… the thing is, this Christmas lark is coming at you whether you like it or not. They say that it comes earlier every year and I do have to admit that this year, it seems to have swung around again very fast but quite frankly I love it. Despite this unseasonably warm weather we’re having I already have that tingly feeling in my bones about locking down for Christmas. Last year we left these shores for sunnier climes and whilst both The Viking and I had a hugely enjoyable time we both had to admit to ourselves is that we really missed Christmas. As you can imagine the cottage is festooned with decorations – all supremely tasteful of course – and the food and wine don’t really stop flowing… well it’s mainly cheese but you get the idea. With the year we’ve had I am looking forward to settling down in front of the fire and not moving for three weeks…
the hotel chocolate cookie caramel festive wreath is one massive chunk of chocolate… when I first opened the package when it had arrived through the post I was a little disappointed at how small it seemed. I think I have chocolate dysmorphia though because this is a weighty piece of divine deliciousness. It’s so thick you actually have to put a considerable amount of effort into cutting it up and I truly believe that if you have to strain to cut a chunk of chocolate then you know you’re getting your moneys worth! It’s actually 450g of gorgeousness. Inspired by a festive christmas wreath and crafted from delicious 50% milk chocolate. The wreath is generously studded with nibbly cocoa biscuits, shortbread biscuits and crisp caramelised Florentine squares… even The Viking who’s not usually a chocolate fan was pretty much smitten with this beauty. It’s perfect for Christmas, great for sharing or gifting or just keeping for yourself and eating secretly every time you go upstairs…
the good people at hotel chocolate have very kindly given me a wreath to giveaway to one lucky Belleau Kitchen reader, all you have to do to enter is fill in the clever little raflecopter gadget thing below and then sit back and wait for Christmas…
a Rafflecopter giveaway//widget-prime.rafflecopter.com/launch.js
My favourite thing about Christmas lunch is that we get to have lots of party food (we have a buffet/picky bits lunch and dinner at dinner time). Oh and the glass of prosecco 😉
For me, it has to be the main event (is our case, Goose!) I love the process of cooking and watching the meal transform into a golden feast!
Ooh I love Christmas my birthday is in December and I'd happily give it up every year for another Christmas! I love seeing how people decorate their houses and starting traditions with our family. We bake mince pies and then go all round our neighbours houses, Carol singing and giving out hot mince pies. I just love the extra kindness and warmth people have at Christmas time. I hope you have a very lovely Christmas. Sammie.
My favourite part is lashings of bread sauce!
For me it has to be the wine! Hic! ????
I love the stuffing best! Particularly if it's cooked in the meat's juices and goes gooey and caramelised – I describe it as 'gunky'
I love the whole day! The day after – not so much.
The Turkey YUM!
Pigs in blankets for me!
I love the turkey and all the trimmings together with gravy
pigs in blankets and sprouts
pigs in blankets
Banter round the table
Brussels Sprouts
My favourite part of Christmas lunch is definitely the roast potatoes! So tasty!
Mince pies!!
roast potatoes in goose fat!
I love bread sauce!!
I love bread sauce!!
Prawn Cocktail 🙂
Having mince pies with squirty cream (and because it's Xmas) I have three – greedy
Having lots of everything haha!!
The turkey
Got to be the turkey!
its got to be the pudding at the end
Christmas Pudding, I absolutely love it.
my favourite part of christmas dinner is the bread sauce xx
Love how you end this post by mentioning secret chocolate eaters! That's me!! I have been know to help my children look for their chocolate which I ate the previous evening #badmummy My fave part of the Christmas meal is the bird. Two years ago we ditched the turkey and ordered a capon from our butcher, it was so much better than any turkey I've tried and we have our third annual capon on order again. Love supporting our local butcher as well..
being with the family <3
The crispy roast potatoes.
Roast potatoes with lashings of gravy
The turkey! my favourite.
Sausages wrapped in bacon are my favourite part.
Pigs in blankets! We should have them more often really…
Its got to be the Christmas Pudding and brandy sauce
We always have prime rib roast and then french dips the next day. I look forward to that all year!
The bread sauce.
Pigs in blankets
The roast parsnips!
I love bread sauce
Pudding! And this is why I am not slim and dainty. 😀
the starter I always do prawn cocktail
christmas pudding
Brussel Sprouts i just love them x
Roast parsnips
Roast potatoes
Seeing family and food of course lol x
I love pigs in blankets. Oh and the champagne
i love the yorkshire puds 🙂
love all the dinner items, especially the roasted parsnips and potatoes 🙂
Christmas pudding
Got to be the pudding (then the snooze)
Sausages wrapped in bacon. Heaven!
The bread sauce – only time of year we have it so it is very specially Christmassy!
The pudding yum uym
My favourite part of Christmas lunch is being surrounded by my loved ones and family. Everyone is happy and it's just such a lovely feeling.
The Roast potatoes 🙂
The turkey
Being with loved ones…And the Christmas Pud!
The turkey
If I remember to add chestnuts to the buttered sprouts, it is my 'personal best' achievement – I usually find the chestnuts under a tea-towel when I'm clearing up afterwards.
Whatever we have afterwards for pudding!
While actually eating the meal it's the roast parsnips but secretly I'm waiting for later when I can have cold turkey and cranberry sandwiches as the turkey tastes even better cold.
The crispy bacon on the top of the turkey and the little cocktail sausages wrapped in bacon – can you see a theme starting here ?!
Sprouts 🙂
Sprouts 🙂
Pigs in blankets
Pigs in blankets 🙂
Christmas Pudding! x
I am such a nut for chocolate and caramel – wow! My favorite – stuffing!
The cookies and pies! Thank you for the wonderful giveaway.
I love having my family around me xxx
Roast potatoes and parsnips.
I do love Yorkshire Puds xx
Roast potatoes
has to be yorkshire puddings 😛
Roast parsnips! 🙂
Roast potatoes with crispy skins!
cant dedice between parsnips sprouts and yorkies thankyou
I actually love the brussels and parsnips … but the main thing is having everyone around (@foxyowl)
The Christmas pudding.
The Brussel Sprouts.
I love roast potatoes
Honey glazed parsnips
The turkey of course
definitely pigs in blankets
Sitting down with the family.
Spinach Christmas tree mashed potatoes and lying down in front of the fire with a full belly x
The best part is definitely the turkey!
Controversial Yorkshire puddings!
I love sprouts.
The snooze afterwards! I'm normally so full of food and festive cheer that it calls for a snooze, christmas lights and films and my son playing with his new toys. Least favourite part is definitely the dishes!
Honey glazed parsnips….they're fantastic
Christmas pudding!
pigs in blankets
Turkey and all the trimmings
I would have to say the Pigs in Blankets and the Stuffing.x
The pudding
The pork and chestnut stuffing
pigs in blankets!
Love roast potatoes and gravy
Love taking time to relax with my family whilst enjoying mince pies after traditional Christmas lunch.
honey glazed parsnips
Parsnips. I could eat a whole plate of them
The stuffing and the roasties! 🙂
love all of the dinner with the family and we always keep a prezzie back till after lunch
Christmas gravy ~
getting a day off from cooking lol
Mashed parsnips with cheese <3
roast turkey
The banter. I enjoy the turkey, roasts and yorkshire puddings ( yes yorkshire puddings ), but I enjoy the chat of so many people round one table
Pigs in blankets, parsnips and the stuffing. I could happily forego the rest of it and just eat a massive pile of those, with a bit of gravy, of course – I am Northern, after all 😉 .
nut roast. i don't bother with it for the rest of the year. i just miss out the meat from my plate when i serve , so nice to have something extra
Crispy roast potatoes, cooked in goose fat. Also having all the family together sitting down for a meal,
has to be pigs in blankets
The roast parsnips
The stuffing
Honey glazed gammon is my favourite, not keen on Turkey
the dessert!!
Brussel sprouts, they are delicious!
Sprouts – I love them!
The pigs in blankets
Roast potatoes.
Christmas pudding, the excitement of waiting see who gets the lucky sixpence
Got to be pigs in blankets, mmmmmmm
Pigs in blankets
The pigs in blankets
My favourite part is the roast potatoes and yorkshire puddings, yum!
Spending quality time with the family x
Pigs in blankets 🙂
the stuffing and pigs in blankets
the full roast with gravy
I love the roast potatoes best!
Oh my days, I love it all!
But I'm a carb lover at heart so it would have to be the roast potatoes 🙂
eating it after all the cooking lol!!
I love roast parsnips and roast potatoes
Christmas turkey! 🙂
My home made Christmas cake
The first bite, which is usually a sprout dipped in gravy and cranberry jelly 🙂
Christmas pudding & custard
cheesy, but i love christmas crackers !!
Turkey and cranberry sauce
The moment I get it on the table without burning anything
Dessert!!!! I love chocolate yule log, pavlova etc etc
The roast potatoes and bread sauce
the sprouts and roast potatoes
The Sausages in blankets and the turkey!! <3
My favourite part is the roast parsnips and honey-glazed carrots.
My favourite part of the meal is the starter and then all the different stuffings – difficult to choose just one part!
The pudding is my favourite – my mum pours brandy on it and flames it!
My favourite part of the meal is the starter, the rest is like the usual roast with a few extras but we rarely have a starter.
sprouts and yorkshire puds
The stuffing!
The pigs in blankets
the cold turkey sandwiches later on – leanne w
Pigs in blankets! Delicious!
Nut roast 🙂
Roast potatoes
Maybe I'm weird but its sprouts for me just love um x
Pigs in Blanket
The Roast Potatoes…i have loads yum yum!
Mince Pies
Roast parsnips 😀
Roasties (cooked in goose fat) and aaalll the sprouts…
And christmas crackers. 🙂
The bad cracker jokes. And Christmas pud.
Roast Parsnips
turkey and mint sauce
Sprouts – I'm odd like that
Pulling the Cracker with everyone
Definitely the sage and onion stuffing
ham with pineapple sauce.
My favorite part is the cornbread stuffing!
pudding, homemade xmas pudding with lots and lots of homemade brandy butter
Sprouts. I absolutely love them!
Stuffing, I make mine with sausage meat, apple and loads of sage.
Sprouts all the way
The turkey
I love all of it – particularly the turkey, roast potatoes, braised red cabbage, roast parsnips, stuffing, and pigs-in-blankets, I even like the sprouts… but my favourite part is collapsing on the settee afterwards with a cup of tea thinking “my work here is done!”.
Its so hard to pick out one favourite, I love Christmas! But I'm going to have to say my favourite is the pigs in blankets, we only make them twice a year at most, once as a trial run and then on Christmas day, so they're a lovely treat!
The sausages wrapped in bacon
The turkey and the roast potatoes!
When the cooking is all done I know ive done a good job and we are all sat tucking in – I love christmas and Im getting excited about it already much to most peoples annoyance .
Its when its all gone and i know they have all eaten it and are full up and content with the special 's ,but most of all the veg has all been grown by our selves on the allotment and tast's so much better,,barbara madden
the sausages in bacon and the popping of the crackers
My favourite part of Christmas dinner is when we all pull the Christmas crackers and then listening to the lame jokes :0)
The cranberry sauce!
pigs in blankets
The sprouts!
pigs in blankets and stuffin! x
pigs in blankets
Christmas Pudding
Garlicy, goose fat laden crunchy roast potatoes
Stuffing! Or roasted parsnips, they're perfect <3
Playing games at the table between courses.
I love munching on pigs in blankets
I love the starters. Prawn cocktail. x
OMG whoever does NOT say the piggies in blankets is insane!! (or a veggie!!)
The dessert is my favourite xx
Family all around the table 🙂
i love the turkey
I love roast tatties swimming in a rich gravy
I seem to have struck upon a great stuffing recipe that goes with the duck we always have. I do love that , but Christmas is the only time my sprout craving get be let out in public too .
Roast potatoes.
The Stuffing!
I love stuffing and lots of cranberry sauce!
The yorkshire puddings 🙂
The honey roasted parsnips. Yummy xx
My favourite part of Christmas lunch is the stuffing…plus it's even better in sandwiches the next day!
Having fun with the family at the table
The stuffing
Oh i love it all but home made stuffing has to be the best
All of it, it's just a big ball of amazing.
Actually to be honest I always look forward to later when we make Turkey and stuffing sandwiches they always taste so scrumptious
Bread Sauce on the Turkey!
I love the roast potatoes!
Roast potatoes.
I actually love brussels, I steam mine then fry up with chopped bacon, garlic and butter nom nom
The stuffing.. yummy!
@Cloudyskies29 on twitter
my home made chestnut stuffing
Pulling crackers and telling jokes at the table 🙂 x
the turkey
Roast potatos and sprouts
Roast Potatoes
All of it, but especially the turkey and sage & onion stuffing.
Pigs in blankets!
Yep as above 'Pig's In Blankets' (we have ordered a tray from our farm shop, theres 20 on the tray but only 2 of us, hmmmmm?)
The first cut into the piece of turkey on your plate yummy!
The yorkshire puddings!!
Got to be Sprouts
Yorkshire pudding 🙂
for me its all the stuffings
pigs in blankets x
The sprouts!!! I love 'em!! 🙂
It's all about the goose fat roasties covered in gravy for me! 🙂
The Christmas Pudding and brandy sauce
Pigs in blankets!
We love our vegetarian festive dinner 🙂
Call me crazy but I can't get enough of Brussell sprouts cooked with chestnuts:-)x
it has to be the delicious beef gravy that covers everything 😀
Roast potatoes and stuffing 🙂
I love my homemade trifle
I love the roasties!
roasts and yorkshire puds
The Center Piece – The Turkey – definately my favorite.
pigs in bacon or the sprouts!
I used to love hot Christmas pudding with cold cream but sugar and dairy make me ill now so I have to forgo *sad sigh*
Clarification: So if I won I'd give the prize to my daughter (who was dairy allergic but if just growing out of it, hence dairy chocolate being ridiculously exciting!)
I love the Brussel spouts and dipping them in the cheese sauce from the cauliflower cheese.
Prawn cocktail!
It's got to be the roast potatoes! Love them! (Laura Jeffs)
My DH's homemade chestnut stuffing – it's to die for 🙂
My favourite part: unlimited food.
The stuffing or nut roast!
Trevor Linvell
sitting down with all the extended family to enjoy the meal together
the gravy and getting the kids to do crackers and wear daft hats
Everything except the sprouts. @jaizduck
When finally the lunch is ready and we're all sat round the table passing round the sprouts, stuffing and all the other trimmings. The preparations are over and I can enjoy being surrounded by family and friends with people I love and who love me. I'm a traditionalist I love all the elements of the Christmas dinner.
My fave is the meat 🙂 succulent moist turkey, pineapple crusted ham and of course pig in blankets 😀
Yorkshire puddings, mmm
This might not be so popular but SPROUTS, they are my favorite part.
the whole roast, turkey, roast potatoes, bread sauce, roasted parsnips, cauliflower cheese, pigs in blankets and dates wrapped in bacon all topped off with gravy, yum
It definitely has to be the mini sausages wrapped in bacon for me!!
Mums xmas pudding complete with sixpence
i love the feeling afterwards being all stuffed and cosyd up on the couch with the kids!!!
Home-made bread sauce, delicious!!
pigs in blankets
I love my starter the most – pâté on toast! Yum yum!
Got to be the cranberry sauce
My mum's amazing crunchy roast potatoes!
The stuffing 🙂
having the whole family around my dinner table
My favourite part is it's one of the only times we all sit down together to eat, and we always have family round so it's a big event, and my partner does all the cooking, so I get a break while he shows off his skills!
I've got to say all of it, I love a christmas dinner.
Roast potatoes yummmm! x
Its actually eating the leftovers the next day
Crispy duck fat potatoes!!
Love Pigs in Blankets ☺
I agree Pigs in Blankets love them
has to be the Turkey
I love apple sauce and have some with every thing
My grandmother used to put silver sixpences in the Christmas pudding. It was the best pudding I've ever tasted and I never got round to asking her for the recipe. I still love Christmas pudding even though she is no longer here to put silver coins in it.
I love Christmas pudding best 🙂
Pinks in blankets
Christmas Pudding!!
Being together with family and friends and pulling crackers – the Christmas lunch is rather nice too, of course 😉
the meat platter x
Sprouts YUM
Pigs in blankets and mince pies and custard for pudding 🙂
I love cooking, having the family all together and pulling crackers. This year I am very excited as it will be our youngest son's first christmas and our oldest boy's 4th christmas so he is more excited than ever before. I cant wait to do the whole reindeer dust on the doorstep etc
My favourite part of the meal is the roast potatoes, they must be crispy outside. I just hate soggy potatoes!
The turkey.
Pigs in blanket and bad jokes in the crackers!
Mince Pie & a glass of Port
The Yorkshire puddings! I'n veggie so none of the meat really appeals!!
Turkey and the sprouts ….love them both equally 🙂
Having the traditional Christmas dinner at my son's house with all my grandchildren. A precious time.
roast parsnips
Stuffing! Yum
I love stuffing and yorkshire puddings the best
Mine has to be the selection of meats 🙂 We have turkey, beef and gammon! Xxx
The turkey the main part :0)
Honey roast parsnips, delicious.
The Turkey and the gravy ! Drooling!
The Turkey mmmmm!
Christmas pudding with brandy sauce
Pigs in blankets for me
christmas pudding , brandy butter
The turkey!
Has to be the roast potatoes
Roast potatoes and bread sauce
The sprouts!
Pigs in blankets
Pigs in blankets
I'm a vegetarian, so my favourites are roast potatoes and parsnips. I also really like brussel sprouts and can't understand why they are so maligned!
Roast Parsnips
Turkey with lashings of bread sauce 🙂 x
I love my pigs in blankets dipped in cranberry sauce
Kelly Ellen Hirst
the desserts
Pigs in blankets
Since discovering them last year, it will be brussels cooked with chestnuts and bacon, roughly mashed and divine 🙂
I love sprouts and turkey and stuffing….and mince pie after!!! yummy!
The Christmas pudding with brandy butter
Pigs in blankets (bacon has to be super crispy though)
pigs in blankets … Or roasted parsnips … Or the Turkey … Or the stuffing .. Oh what the heck I love it all!!
Roast potatoes done in goose fat
My fave part of christmas lunch is sitting around the table with all the family (there is about 20 of us!) and being happy and pulling crackers.
pigs in blankets
Pigs in blankets
the main show – the bird.
Yule log 🙂
hmm, the turkey
The roast potatoes xx
I love the stuffing