… wow, what a month… everyone seemed to get back into the baking and cooking mood and it really feels like the whole blogging community is getting back on track after a quiet summer and if this round-up of entries is anything to go by you’ve all most definitely been busy cooking with eggs! Your egg dishes are, as always phenomenal and I am hugely humbled by all your links, so thank you… so without further ado…

28. Spooky Lemon Cake Jos Kitchen by Jo’s Kitchen
… and that’s 39 whopping and quite eggceptional egg recipes, which is quite amazing if you ask me… and I apologise for using the linky tool to create the round-up but i’ve been quite literally getting home at midnight and falling into bed and haven’t had a moment to create my usual round-up collage… so until November the first…
eat and of course, enjoy!
Wow, a fab collection of dishes. Nom x
Great array of recipes and particularly liking the chocolate ones this month;-) I know just what you mean about time, there just isn't enough of it, went to bed at gone 1am again last night!
That is a hefty gathering of foodie treats! Thanks for all your hard work in pulling together such a lovely round up. x