… oh it’s funny being back from holiday isn’t it? You spend those two weeks almost unconscious on a subbed and then WHAM! like a slap in the face you’re back into your real life with all the elegance of a sledgehammer on a wedding cake. It’s like the holiday never happened and the only thing you have to show for it is a fabulous tan and you can’t really even remember actually lying in the sun. We managed to get back to the cottage at the weekend but that was more curse than joy as the garden had decided to explode with growth and we spent the whole weekend wading through the jungle it had become, deadheading and cutting back… to be honest The Viking had a bit of a breakdown over the amount of work but once he’d calmed down we actually managed to get quite a bit done. I was excited because I had a tonne of strawberries that had ripened over the fortnight we’d been away and they were all waiting patiently for us to scoff but I was also slightly upset because my stunning purple gooseberries that were going to be so perfectly ripe on our return had all disappeared. I’m assuming the birds or some fat mice but it could have been a friendly neighbour or even a passing walker out on the scrump…
blueberry and marmalade eat-from-the-fridge brownies
these are quite frankly the best brownies i’ve ever eaten and I have eaten a lot of brownies… they weren’t supposed to be eat-from-the-fridge but I over-egged it on the blueberries just a little and with 300g worth of the little blighters bursting with juice these brownies where never going to truly set. So I popped them in the fridge and roughly 5 hours later they were the perfect consistency… fudgy, soft in the middle but crispy on top with little berry bursts in every mouthful… the marmalade and orange zest cut through the sweetness beautifully… utter heaven.
the recipe is actually my classic fail-safe brownie recipe, so i’m not doing anything new here, just adding the fruit…
185g butter
185g good quality dark chocolate – at least 70% cocoa solids
3 large eggs
275g golden caster sugar
85g plain flour
a pinch of salt
40g cocoa powder
300g blueberries
the grated zest of one medium orange
1 tablespoon marmalade
grease and line a 20cm square brownie pan, pre-heat the oven to 160C
in a pan gently melt the butter and chocolate – do this over a really low heat and stir regularly – take it off the heat before it’s fully melted and set aside to cool, stirring again as it melts
in a large bowl beat the eggs and sugar with an electric mix for about 6 minutes until it doubles in volume and becomes pale, light and airy then pour in the melted and cooled chocolate and gently fold in until it’s fully combined
sieve in the flour, salt and cocoa and again, gently fold in, then add the blueberries, orange zest and marmalade and fold them in. Pour the mixture into your brownie pan.
bake on 160C for 25 mins then remove from the oven and let it cool in the tin and then pop it into the fridge for at least 5 hours to fully set – cut into squares and serve
i’m linking these brownies over to the brilliant we should cocoa bloggers challenge which is hosted this month by its founder Choclette from Tin and Thyme as the theme is blueberries.
eat and of course, enjoy!
Ohhhhh how wonderful. The perfect summer chocolatey dessert. Still lovely and chocolatey but because they are fridge cold they would cool you down and because of the fruit they don't count as pudding so you can stay extra cool with a scoop of ice cream on top 😉
Fruity brownies – you're talking my kind of language there. I wouldn't mind a little well chilled custard alongside if that were possible. Seriously yum. Sorry to hear about the gooseberry situation. I used to struggle with gooseberry crops in the garden but then I discovered the local PYO farm had loads and so I let them do the struggling now and I just do the picking.
Blueberries in brownies – wish I had thought of that! They look fabulous!
Sorry to hear about the gooseberries. It's so upsetting when you nurture a crop then some other blighters get the lot!
A curtain of pea netting well pegged down saved our redcurrants from the same fate after a similar attack the previous year. It kept the birds off them and would probably deter human theives to a degree as well!
oh my good god, my heart just skipped a beat!
You have terrific vision Dom! I love the blueberry chocolate combination and cold brownies? That is just brilliant! Our garden has gone crazy too – many hours needs to be spent pulling weeds, grass and dead heading the flowers. Such fun!
I agree with Jean – you need to build a net cage around the fruit, a few weeks before you expect them to be ripe. I learnt the hard way too, that gooseberries can disappear overnight once they're ripe!
Chilled brownies sound perfect for summer!
I hope your skin is not as well tanned as those Brownies!!
Sounds like my mother-in-law lives near you – she's always nicking things from the hedgerows!
Fridge brownies sound delicious and definitely one of your five a day in there!
Sorry to hear about the gooseberries and the post holiday bash down to earth, but I'm sure these brownies helped, they look fabulously squidgy and fruity. And I live your marmalade edition – inspired. Hope the Viking is back on an even keel now.
Yep…. These are seriously gooey! A perfect antidote to the post-holiday come down and to the trauma of an overgrown, thefted garden! Please send some over immediately!!!
Now that is Food Porn! I bet they would be even better in the freezer, I've had to do that before!
GOOD HEAVENS! Look at the ooze! LOVE fruit and chocolate as a pairing, and this looks sinfully good Dom! Karen
This recipe reminds me of the chocolate covered blueberry candy I like indulge in. Seriously yummy looking.
Oh wow! This looks incredible!!!
Josephine x