… I went for the most incredible walk on Sunday. We’re lucky in Belleau because I can quite literally walk out the door and i’m in the middle of nowhere with beautiful walks in every direction but on Sunday it was like walking through one of those idyllic pastoral paintings by Constable. Firstly the sun was finally shining and even though it was cold, that glowing ball of fire does make a big difference to the psych. The fields are littered with lambs who bleat at every sound so that when you walk past it’s like having the soundtrack of Spring follow you where ever you go. For the longest time I found myself sitting on a fence with the little lambs frolicking at my feet as their mothers eyed me suspiciously… and yes, whilst they will make someone a superb Sunday roast one day, today they are the epitome of life and renewal. I then made my way over to the Claythorpe Watermill which is a local wildlife attraction set in a 16th Century watermill. It’s a beautiful location and one that The Viking and I went to see when it first went up for sale because we had an idea about moving on and setting up a local tourism company… I really wish we had. The current owners have done such a wonderful job of restoration and improvement and they make a mean scone and tea too – well worth a visit if you’re ever in the neighbourhood. I may even be collaborating with them on something a little special this summer… so watch this space… and then once I left the watermill I headed home. The day had turned cold but luckily I had a warm fire and this glorious bowl of soup waiting in the slow cooker for me.
slow cooker sweet potato corn chowder
this is another exemplary dish from the brilliant Slow Cooked by Miss South… I use my slow-cooker at least once a week now and between my own inventions and those inspired by Miss South to ensure i’m not making too much brown sludge, I have to say I’ve not grown tired of it yet. As a kitchen gadget it sits on top of the stove like a regular pan and is a much loved and trusted little soldier. This soup is phenomenally easy to make yet yields the ultimate in warm and hearty comfort food. Corn chowder always reminds me of trips to San Francisco and walks along the piers. Sourdough soup bowls and the aromatic tang of salty, fishy sea air…
2 sweet potatoes – diced into roughly 2cm cubes
1 medium potato – diced into roughly 2cm cubes
1 large carrot – diced into roughly 2cm cubes
200g frozen sweetcorn – thawed
500ml good quality vegetable stock
salt and pepper
1 teaspoon chilli flakes
200ml milk
place all the vegetables, chilli and seasoning into you slow cooker, pour over the stock and cook on low for 7 hours. After this time remove a large ladle-full of soup (liquid and vegetables) then add the milk and blend the whole thing with a stick blender – not too smooth – then pour back in the ladle-full off soup and mix together for a chunky/smooth soup blend
this being made in my slow cooker I am entering it into the brilliant Slow Cooked Challenge hosted by Janice from Farmersgirl Kitchen. I very often get the theme wrong for this challenge and Janice very kindly still lets me enter (maybe someone should update the very bold ‘current challenge’ link on their blog post a little more often – ahem) but this month, with the addition of chilli, I have hit the spicy theme right on the head…
eat and of course, enjoy!
It sounds absolutely glorious. I'm guilty of often buying sweet potatoes and then forgetting to use them, so I'll bookmark this for next time I have a sweet potato urge
Your soup looks gorgeous, sounds delicious, perfect for these chilly spring days.
Thanks for the recipe.
Looks delicious, I would love this for my evening meal 🙂 x
Dom that sounds like a perfect day. The lambs – the pastures, the sun – all dreamy! You are one lucky guy 🙂 Oh and the soup sounds great! I could hardly concentrate on the recipe because you had me in the meadow!
That sounds fab. I love Miss South's book. Should perhaps admit that I've never actually made a soup in my slow cooker!
I would like to try it, but isn't is too sweet?
Hi Dom! How are you? Well I trust!
Your soup looks and sounds delicious! It would be the perfect meal for my neck of the woods, especially after the winter we've had! I'm sure you know we've had record breaking amounts of snow! It's finally beginning to melt!
Bring on Spring!
Awesome recipe Dom. I get what you mean about slow cookers, I got one for my birthday last year and I simply love it! It does a mean brisket and I use it for making stocks.
It obviously worked, although this time you forgot to link up, Dom. However, I am a forgiving soul and you sounds so deflated that I'm going to include your lovely chowder in the round up.
It obviously worked, although this time you forgot to link up, Dom. However, I am a forgiving soul and you sounds so deflated that I'm going to include your lovely chowder in the round up.
Lovely bit of writing Dom. Have you been taking lessons from the Viking 😉 If ever I am up your way, I will be expecting scone and tea at yours, never mind the Watermill. Or even a bowl of this chowder, which sounds scrumpelicious.