… yes they’re ugly and yes they are possibly burnt at the edges… but I am now officially run down. I have a sore through that makes me sound like a 40-a-day smoker and it’s truly time for a long weekend in bed. I always find it hysterical how the body knows to wait till you’ve done all the heavy lifting and then suddenly wham! Here comes the flu. It’s as though your body has a valve that only releases when it knows you’re ready and it’s not just me either. I sat around a table yesterday with all the people that had been working hard on the same project and everyone either had the sniffles, a sore throat or full blown flu. The work I do calls for manic periods of late nights and long days followed by calmer periods planning and it’s really hard because of course I enjoy the planning period; doing the research for the project, designing the look, organising the event, talking with suppliers but what I get a thrill our of is that manic moment when we’re in the middle of a set-build or when the event is about to go live and all that hard work comes together… I just wish it wouldn’t always have to end with a runny nose… anyway, i’m not after any sympathy, just filling you in….
honey, oat and cranberry cookies
…as you can probably see i’m having real issues with cookies, every batch I’ve made recently have spread so disastrously across the baking tin that they look dreadful, even though they rase gorgeous… I made these cookies as my friend The Lincolnshire Chef was coming for tea but they didn’t go down too well… I mean, come on, how daft, of all the things in my repertoire to make I made these funny little spread-out and burnt around the edges biscuits… his tip of putting them into the fridge first before baking should be a real charmer and so i’ll try that next time. In the meantime I present to you some very strange shaped cookies…
50g butter at room temp
50g caster sugar
1tablespoon set honey or dessert spoon of runny honey
1 free-range egg
1 teaspoon cinnamon powder
50g wholemeal flour
1teaspoon baking powder
80g porridge oats
50g dried cranberries
pre-heat the oven to 180 C and line a large baking sheet
in a large bowl, beat the butter and sugar together until soft, then beat in the honey, add the egg and cinnamon powder and mix well
in another bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, oats and cranberries and mix together before adding to the butter mixture.
drop heaped dessertspoonfuls of the cookie dough onto the baking sheet and bake for 10-12 minutes or until lightly golden then remove them from the oven, they should be golden but will still seem a tiny bit soft to the touch… leave them on the tray for a bit before transferring them to a cooling tray to completely cool.
as these little treats are inspired by my mum’s love of honey I am entering them into this months Treat Petite bloggers challenge which has the theme of Mum and is hosted alternately by Stuart from CakeyBoi and Kat The Baking Explorer … they are also going over to the Tea Time Treats challenge hosted by Karen from Lavender and Lovage which has Biscuits and Cookies as the theme.
eat and of course, enjoy!
Well, if I made biscuits inspired by my Mum, I suspect they would be less-than-perfect too! (Possibly a little burnt at the edges..?). Still, I'm sure they tasted nice. I actually like baked products Well Done anyway.
you know what Mark, yes, they are a little ugly and burnt around the edges but I think one has to show very success and failure in this game of ours… but you're right, they tasted great x
They're not ugly, they are rustic-looking. 😉 I loooove honey. We go through a jar in a flash. Fab with blini. Hope your throat feels better soon. Sending healing vibes your way
I think they look honest and if they taste as good as they sound then who cares what they taste like!
I actually think those cookies reflect the hectic nature of your life up to the moment they came from the oven … a bit frazzled around the edges, but sweet, nonetheless! Rest up, eat cookies, and drink plenty of tea with lemon and honey … hope you feel better soon, dearie!
Hope you get better soon! And your cookies tempt me so much I will right now whip up a batch.
GET well soon Dom – methinks you have been burning the candle at both ends, and actually, I LOVE the look of those cookies and think they looks rather pretty! Karen
Whatever they look like, this combination of flavours sounds really good! I hope you feel better soon.
Would you believe me if I said I always leave a little tray of cookies in the oven for longer after I have taken the main batch out so that I will “burn” some a little as I love the caramelisation on the edges for extra flavour. My pop used to do it too. mmm yum now I need to go make cookies………… 🙂 ps.get well soon…
I wouldn't say they are ugly!! I love the rustic look of your cookies x
How are these ugly??? I believe the word is rustic.
Couldn't resist clicking on the link when it popped up in my feed, because I too, have a huge love for honey. I mass order jars of local raw honey and then go through them so quickly it's ridiculous. This one definitely is going to the bookmark list!
Get well soon Dom! And definitely not ugly- its the inside that counts right, and these taste great no?!
If they taste good, they are good. I have real issues with cookies. I can make the exact same ones and they come out perfectly one time and have spread all over the shop another time – who cares? They sound perfect to me with lots of lovely ingredients.
Thank you so much for entering your cookies into Treat Petite Dom, your mum has good taste!