… ok so it’s become a bit of a tradition with random recipes to change it up in December. It’s a ridiculously busy month and to ask you to play along with random recipes when your thoughts are as far from random as they could be is a little unfair of me… I started this tradition a couple of years ago by asking you all to photograph you cookbook shelves and it was a huge hit and utterly fascinating to see inside your homes and see where your inspiration comes from… then last year we all took photo’s of the inside of our larders and stock cupboards which was a little scarier but proved to be just as popular – i think we’re all voyeurs at heart. This year i’m asking you to go one step further and take a photo of the inside of your Christmas fridge!
you may think i’m entirely mad but I honestly believe that showing people the inside of your fridge is tantamount to a lady showing you the inside of her handbag… it can be a very personal space and sometimes a little embarrassing but at this time of year the gloves are off and as we start to stock up for the big day we begin to shuffle things around to make room for little treats, extra things we never buy and of course the big fella too…
… so this month i’d like to see snaps of the inside of your fridges. To make things even easier during this busy time I’m not even asking you to write up a blog post (although you’re more than welcome…) but I will welcome tweets, facebook pics and instagram pics too.
Please use the hashtag #ChristmasFridge and include my @belleaukitchen twitter and instagram name and I will re-tweet, like and share everything i see… I have also set up a #ChristmasFridge pinterest board. It will also be interesting to see the build up to the big day and the day after too… what will you do with the left-overs… how many people are you catering for… do you ignore the big day entirely… are you cooking for friends and family or perhaps a local charity, i’d love to know – it’s just a bit of fun for the festive period… dare you bare?
I will do a round-up of the pics at the end of the month… so get your camera’s and iPhones at the ready and get snapping…
eat and of course, enjoy!
there won't be much in my fridge to make things with apart from 2 yogurts and 3 cans of beer lol
What!!??? I know I haven't entered a random recipes recently, but you want me to do WHAT??? Your fridge puts me to utter shame, Dom – it looks so well organised. Mine is a blackhole of overshot best before dates and frankly, chaos. Still, it's tempting to do a name and shame on myself. Or may be the Husband will do it for me…
Your fridge is so tidy and organised! Mine is a mess, haha.
That is the most tidy / large fridge I've seen in a while. I'm up for this though, I apparently have no shame. Does it count if you're only partly living at home at the moment and so only have milk for builders in there?
I can't believe a year has passed since I shared my cupboards! The fridge was re-stocked on Saturday so not tooooo embarrassing..will charge up the camera! We actually have two but one is the drinks fridge and has a broken light so by default its our main one! Plus there will be no Christmas stuff in our fridge as we at my brothers for the big day so its basically our random shop this week! Hope that's okay still?
Your fridge is amazingly neat Dom!!
I think I need to clean my fridge first … and then take pictures! LOL!
Is that REALLY your fridge Dom???? I can't believe you line up your pears! And is that a neat row of apples carefully lined up behind them? Oh to be that organised! I have to work round a ton of guinea pig veg (boy do they eat a lot) and my husband's beer and cider (which I am forever ousting to make way for far more important stuff). Should be an interesting challenge!!!!
You remember that famous quote from the film “Arnhem” – “I fear this time we may have gone a Fridge too far”…? (Oh, sorry, it was a Bridge too far!)
Urm really? After seeing your super tidy fridge, there is no way I shall be showing mine.
I love it! I've just cleaned my fridge so I should take a photo now, it's usual appearance is nothing to be proud of at all!
Good grief, the inside of your fridge is so immaculately tidy!
Mine is horrible – I couldn't possibly reveal the state of it…………mind you, it's due for a clean out, so maybe after that….this could be the perfect incentive!
Gosh, so tidy!
Was there a little sneaky bit of tidying going on before this photo was taken? Surely no one's fridge is THAT tidy! Mine is currently full of kiwi fruits, beer and tonic.
I am SO in for this challenge this month Dom – what a FUN idea! Karen
How much fun is this! I'm pretty certain you've photoshopped your fridge though, it's too beautiful 🙂