1/2 cup of extra virgin olive oil
the leaves of 2 stalks of oregano
grated parmesan
place the oil, garlic and oregano into a small pan and gently heat through for about 6 to 8 minutes or until the garlic turns golden – watch it closely as you don’t want it to burn. Set aside until needed.
boil your pasta until ready – it should have a slight bite to it, then drain well but set aside a cup of the pasta water
gently re-heat the oil if you need to and pour it into the the pan with the pasta, the cup of pasta water and at least 2 good handfuls of parmesan and stir it all together before sprinkling with oregano flowers and serving
i’m entering this pasta recipe into this months Cooking With Herbs bloggers challenge, hosted by Karen from Lavender and Lovage. The theme this month is basil.
eat and of course, enjoy!
Gorgeous – and perfect for this hot steamy weather. Guess what idiot has planned roast goose, braised red cabbage and celeriac mash for dinner tonight?
I love simple pasta sauces, done well of course! Yum!
I ADORE this Dom! It's absolutely gorgeous with stunning photos too! Karen
this sounds wonderful – and so simple
Our family gatherings are usually tempestuous too – it's the nature of families I reckon. Sometimes the best things in life are simple and your pasta looks delicious.