… well well well, forty random recipes later and here we still are. Older but none-the-wiser yet still ready and willing to take on the world one recipe at a time. For which I am always grateful. I know we all lead busy life-styles and I too find it incredibly hard on occasion to keep up with the blogging challenges so I really do appreciate any entries that come my way… and this month, to celebrate 40 months i’m going to keep it really simple and return to an old favourite and ask you to select your 40th cookbook and from this cook a recipe on the 40th page…
now off you pop and start counting…
Happy 40th birthday to Random Recipes! I will make a concentrated effort to join in this month! 🙂
wow 40 RR challenges! Will try my best to join in this month, sorry I missed out last month.
40 for 40 – sounds so right. Trundling off to Cook Your Books …
Argh, 40 is already looming large in my life (as in, I may be turning it in less than 40 days), do you have to remind me with random recipes as well?!
Count me in for this one, Dom – I've already found my recipe…
oooh 40, well done. I hope I have 40 cookbooks, I am going to have to count now!
SO sorry I missed last month – it was the FIRST time I have missed it – just been away from home too much! I WILL be joining in this month though!
Can't believe it's the 40th one! I've only dabbled before but I must take part in this one.
Wow 40! well done I will be taking part in this, I think for the very first time too.