…there’s a little bench outside Belleau cottage where, should the weather allow, The Viking and I like to sit in the mornings and watch the world go by. Not that there’s a lot of world that goes by down our way but any walker passing or tractor trundling is akin to a traffic jam out in Belleau. The little bench carries quite a bit of pathos for us because what is now two used to be three as our sweet labrador Holly sat between us looking out over the meadow to the stream, barking at cows in the distance but on a glorious early Spring day when the ground is cold but the sun is warm we have our memories and we smile.
The Viking has dreamt of reconfiguring the driveway for quite a few years, he feels that the cars dominate the view directly from the house and is convinced that if we move the driveway over just a few yards we’ll be able to set the cars back a little, freeing up the view and so after much procrastinating, yesterday the diggers turned up and our new view began to take shape…
cajun roast chicken
a few weeks back I was invited to take part in a global secret ingredient swap hosted by Manu from Cooking Manu… the rules are pretty simple – participants are paired off and have to send a secret ingredient to each other with which they have to cook something… it’s a fun and exciting little challenge and I was more than pleased being paired with Kirsten from My Kitchen in the Rockies who sent me a mini-package complete with some fabulous Fiesta Brand chillies, a packet of ground chipotle spices and a second packet of ground cajun spices which i’ve used here to make a very basic paste and turn a classic Sunday roast into something a little different… I hope Kirsten and Manu approve and I can’t wait to see what Kirsten makes of the secret ingredient I’ve sent to her!
1 large free-range chicken
2 tablespoons cajun spice blend
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons tomato ketchup
1 carrot – roughly chopped
1 onion – peeled and roughly chopped
1 orange – roughly chopped
5 cloves garlic
place the spices, olive oil and ketchup into a bowl and mix together into a paste
place the chopped veg and fruit into a roasting tin, lay the chicken on top and rub the chicken all over with the paste
cover with foil and either slow roast on 100C for 4 hours followed by 30 mins on 180C having removed the foil… or roast on 160C for an hour and then remove the foil and turn up to 180C for another hour or until fully cooked and the juices run clear – turn the chicken over halfway through the cooking time for a moister cook but remember to turn it back around for the last 10 minutes to crisp up the skin
eat and of course, enjoy!
OMG Dom – that looks utterly amazing! Talk about make your mouth water! 🙂 Did you lose Holly recently? You'll have to rename the bench “Holly's Bench” as a permanent memorial to her. I can just see the three of you sat there, barking at the cows in the distance. Don't tell me you didn't have a bark too – 'cos I know you did! LOL
Hey Jenny… Holly dies nearly 2 years ago now but there's not a day goes by that I don't think of her and miss her… and yes, we all barked at the cows!
That looks like a really good recipe to jazz up a roast chicken. Pretty simple too – but then some of the best recipes are. Might well give it a go tomorrow for Sunday lunch. Thanks for posting!
That looks drop dead gorgeous Dom and I LOVE alternative ways to cook a roast chicken, and I LOVE chillies too! WIN WIN!
This dish simply fantastic, how nice if I could able to taste it…
Ooh now that looks lush. A very simple twist on the classic Sunday roast too.
Oh my, this looks really yummy and delish!! I want to try baking this roast chicken as a alternative for the usual boring roast chicken 😉
I'd love to sit your bench with you, Dom. A cuppa coffee and an early morning view with you and The Viking. What a nice picture you've painted of your little corner of the world…. oh, and I'd take the chicken dinner too! I'd even bring the wine and salad!
This looks amazingly delicious!!!
I love the views from your cottage. It makes me want to get back out into the countryside. And the chicken looks fantastic to.
I like Jenny's idea to call your bench “Holly's Bench” and a good idea to move the driveway from view and such a pretty view it is too. I love that idea of an ingredient swap and love what you have done to this chook with your little parcel.
That looks absolutely fantastic and is making me miss my oven so much. At least another few weeks without it, I ended up buying a rotisserie chicken from the supermarket just to get that roast chicken taste! Great spicy recipe, love it.
OOooo…your roasted chicken looks so perfect and scrumptious. Wish I was there to join you as well. yummm….:o) However, you're invited to join my latest event called 'International Yeasted Recipe' and share whatever you can create with yeast from Belleau Kitcen. Hope to see you there.
Hope you're having a wonderful week ahead.
Blessings, Kristy
Looks (and I'm sure, tastes) absolutely stunning. I did something similar to a 2.5 kg Turkey yesterday; that too was very good.
Cajun is so delicious!!!
Your chicken looks so yummy.
Have a great Monday
Your view is definitely something to savour each and every day Dom. I would savour this chicken as well.
I love your view. Your cajun roast chicken looks simply divine, a nice twist to the tradition roast chicken x
The chicken looks fantastic, Dom! Before sending the package I checked on Google maps where it would go. I love where you live! So would my two Labradors. It looks so peaceful.
Roast chicken is one of my favorites for Sunday dinner. This version looks fantastic.