… Lincolnshire has a number of delicious local foods which have become quite famous over the years. There’s the obvious and mighty Lincolnshire sausage… perhaps the lesser known but just as gorgeous haslet which is a type of meatloaf and of course the now FDO (protected destination of origin) monikered Lincolnshire Poacher cheese but one of my favourites and in my opinon the most humble, is the Lincolnshire Plum Bread. The plum bread has quite a history in the county with a few brands who have developed the recipe over the years but perhaps one of the best loved is Modens who’s recipe dates back to 1936 and was created in the town of Spilsby which is very close to Belleau. The ‘plums’ in the plum bread refer to any kind of dried fruit, traditionally raisins and sultanas… they are delicious buttered and served with cheese or I like mine toasted with honey.
chilled chocolate custard plum bread and butter pudding
even though the idea of a bread and butter pudding was the first idea that came to me when I received the delicious plum bread from Modens I actually wanted to be a bit more adventurous with the way I put it together and wasn’t until I was half-way through baking this beauty that i thought about the chilled option… it makes it really fun and means I can serve it to the greedy guys at work like a brownie or a tray-bake without having to re-heat it… the chilled and set custard has a wonderful confectioners custard quality about it which was very pleasing…
2 loaves of Lincolnshire Plum Bread – thickly sliced
butter – I used lightly salted but unsalted would work just as well
1 teaspoon cinnamon
2 teaspoons mixed spice
6 egg yolks – reserve the whites for meringues
570ml milk or cream if you’re feeling naughty
60g golden caster sugar
2 teaspoons cornflour
2 tablespoons cocoa powder
vanilla extract
butter each slice on one side and lay artistically in your oven-proof dish, sprinkle with cinnamon and mixed spice and a tablespoon cocoa powder
in a large bowl beat the sugar and cornflour with the egg yolks until light and fluffy
heat the milk or cream in a pan and when it’s just beginning to simmer take off the heat and whilst whisking the eggs and sugar, gently pour the milk onto the eggs in a steady stream
whisk in the cocoa powder and vanilla then place back on a very low heat and whisk for 5 minutes until it starts to thicken then pour over the slices of plum loaf and bake in the oven on 180C for 15 minutes
once baked and golden on top remove from the oven and let it cool before placing in the fridge overnight
i’m entering this naughty treat into this months tea time treats bloggers challenge, hosted by Karen from Lavender and Lovage as the theme is chocolate and it’s also going off to the lovely Elizabeth from Elizabeth’s Kitchen Diary for her fab Shop Local challenge…
Lincolnshire Plum Bread is now widely available in many supermarkets up and down the country but can also be ordered on-line from the lovely Simon’s of Spilsby…
eat and of course, enjoy!
Yummy yum yum and I love the way you can eat this straight from the fridge.
There's a great new deli in Cardiff that opened last year and their logo is “You CAN buy happiness by buying local”. I reckon your post definitely shows this is true!
Dom, you really are a great ambassador for the local foods – be they from Linconshire or elsewhere. I had never heard of Lincolnshire Plum Bread, but it sounds like the sort of thing I would like. Have you heard of our Hampshire Lardy Cake??
Sounds divine! I've never heard of that plum bread before and I grew up in the next county – they obvious don't let past the county divide. one of our builders was surprised to see we had Henderson's relish in our cupboard, previously only available in the Sheffield area. Very good on pies – fully recommend you try it!
Cold chocolate custard? Say no more, I'm there, with a serving spoon!
Just the words plum bread has me desperate to try some. It makes me think of little Jack Horner and how I want to be naughty and take some of your pudding – when you're not looking of course. The addition of chocolate custard has to be a good thing.
Hampshire Lardy cake? That's a cornish delicacy surely!!!
I'm not usually a bread pudding fan.. .I've had too many that were still runny and not eye appealing at all….. But this one may change my opinion of them 🙂 It looks absolutely irresistible!!!
I'm with The Kitchen Maid: we're going to fight over it.
What an absolutely fabulous recipe Dom! I love it, and so perfect for this crap weather we have been having too! A BIG thanks for adding it to Tea Time Treats! Karen xxxx
Good grief. Can you move nearer to me please so I can drop in unexpectedly, and get fed some of this?
There is something very comforting about bread and eating it dressed up as you have done makes it even more so. Great recipe. I also always enjoy your posts on your local foods.
I hated bread and butter pudding as a kid, burnt raisins and lumpy custard. This however looks a complete delight!
I've grown to like bread and butter pudding over the years, and your version looks lush! x
I adore both fruit bread (toasted!) and bread & butter pudding so your pudding looks a little like heaven!
I love plum bread and combine it with custard and chocolate and I'm going to be very, very happy indeed.
Now that's what I call a bread and butter pudding. It looks amazing. You couldn't make it any tastier.
SORRY I missed you off – with so many entries I had to rely TOTALLY on what had been added to the linky and I did not see yours there 🙁 sorry…..Karen added now!
A lovely recipe! Thank you for linking up with Shop Local – I'll add you to the round up shortly (just off to do the school run now!). You weren't on the linky so I missed you, sorry! 🙁