… i don’t know about you but i’ve been feeling distinctly uninspired of late and with christmas rushing upon us I feel all kitchen thoughts turn to turkey and mince pies and I just want to put the breaks on a little and refresh what i’m doing… plus I have a bit of an unusual idea for christmas random recipes this year and I know i’ve been a bit left-field with themes recently so I thought with one month to go till we get truly festive we should return to our roots with a traditionally random, random recipes… also we’ve had quite a few random recipes virgins of late and I always think it’s good idea to welcome them into the game from the start, as it were… so this month i’d like you to pick a recipe book at random and then randomly open that book to a recipe and then cook that exact recipe…
… I turned with delight to all 67 of my cook books, numbered them all from left to right and then used a random number generator to pick a book… it chose for me number 37 – Save with Jamie by Jamie Oliver… this is actually a relatively new addition to the belleau kitchen bookshelf and i’m not a massive Jamie Oliver fan but the book is packed with loads of money saving recipes, tips o stocking your store cupboard and more importantly some stunning photo’s of food, which always helps get me inspired… and on a random open I find a wonderful recipe for a giant veg rosti… it looks gorgeous and i’m actually very excited about making it!
Yay. Off to random.org right now.
Can I put in a plea for using some of our magazine cuttings in the New Year please? 🙂
Can't wait to see what you have in store for Christmas.
The randomly picking of a book was not too difficult this time with just five books left on the shelf. The only question is: will I get all the ingredients?
Count me in for this month, Dom
Great! Just what I need for November before the frenzied festive rush!
Hurrah! Back to basics so might just manage an entry this month 🙂
I could do with getting back to basics. Although I like the sound of an alternative Christmas too.
I've been out of the blogging loop for the past few months but this seems just the thing to get me back on track!
I love food blogs and just found you and “Cooking With Mr. C.” on Facebook. When I find one I like, I follow it. I will tell everyone to check you out and check out “Cooking With Mr. C.” on Facebook. I just “Liked” his page. Happy Holidays. Jean
I like this month's challenge too. Yep, count me in! 😉
I love returning to the traditional ways! And these rules keep it really simple … and that's a good thing!
Oh goodie, back to basics. Off to Eat Your Books immediately 🙂 Christmas is sounding a little scary.
Goes off to be random 🙂
Sorry I haven't entered recently 🙁 too much going on. I will be back x