… it’s hard to believe that it was only on Sunday, when I published my cinnamon and chocolate nut bread, that I promised myself some well deserved rest and relaxation… so who’d have thought i’d have ended up in hospital for four days with suspected kidney stones, an infected urinary tract and diverticulitis…
… now I know boys and girls that these are things we really don’t need to discuss on a food blog but through excessive boredom it has come to this i’m afraid. It all started last week in fact when I had the most excruciating pain in my tummy. I knew the stress had hit me hard and it probably didn’t help that I was in the middle of this stupid 5:2 Diet but as I writhed around in pain on a hotel bed for 4 hours I wouldn’t have been surprised if an alien burst out of my gut… at least it would have given me blessed relief… The show must go on as they say and I continued on like a brave little soldier through the cramping and hot sweats until the show was over and I could finally collapse in a heap at my brothers house… they very kindly called out a doctor who insisted I come directly to the nearest A&E and get sorted… I think he too suspected alien rupture but didn’t want to admit it…
… it’s now Thursday, I think… you know how the days seem to meld into one when morphine and the sound of ripping velcro are your only friend… i’ve tried hard to pay attention but the results of the multiple x-rays, CT scans, dye-drinking, enemas and an un-considerable amount of both hot and not hot doctors with their fingers up my arse seems to be that I have a bad case of diverticulitis… apparently not that un-common, something I find hard to believe… and that I need to stay in hospital and be drip-fed meds until I stabilise… which could be tomorrow or Saturday, i’m hoping… and believe me whilst the staff here at Whipps Cross University Hospital have been delightful there are only 2 or 3 ways to pull off a backless hospital gown and I am neither Angelina Jolie nor Bianca Jagger, plus i’m beginning to be aware of my own smell, which is not pretty…
… as you can imagine this whole incident has thrown in to light my eating habits which I thought included all kinds of healthy and varied foods and yes whilst there are many cakes in there too I still eat a huge amount of fresh vegetables and fruit… my doctor also hinted at the fact that my recent stint on the 5:2 diet may have shocked my body into its constipated state… what I do know is that for a while at least I need to eat more fibre, … prunes… bran… kiwi fruit… so expect to come on a little food journey with me over the next few weeks and maybe we’ll learn something together…
eat and of course, enjoy!… by the way, the jelly babies were brought to me by The Viking to make me a happy bunny…. and i’d just like to say thank you to my lovely brother and his family who have been amazingly supportive and very generous with their prune shopping…
Aah Dom, I was hoping you were out of hospital but was surprised you would be so quickly back into the saddle so to speak. These diets don't suit everyone and I've always been told that the body goes into starvation mode and slows your metabilism right down when you hardly eat so I never go on diets but just use common sense and cycling! Wishing you a very speedy recovery and look forward to your high fibre dishes, maybe Prune Brownie would be a good place to start:-)
Oh sweetie – that sounds absolutely miserable. Wishing you a speedy recovery m'dear. x
Ouch poor you 🙁
I have a brilliant prune brownie recipe – best of all you can't taste the prunes 🙂
Hope you get home soon. xx
Ouch poor you 🙁
I have a brilliant prune brownie recipe – best of all you can't taste the prunes 🙂
Hope you get home soon. xx
🙁 that sounds horrible – even though you made me laugh out loud when I read this. Hope you're feeling better soon.
Oh gosh, that sounds terrbible! You poor thing. So cakes are off the menu for a bit then? Except maybe Courgette Cake, Carrot Cake and Parsnip Cake…
Dom, only you could make a stay in hospital and a bout of rather unpleasant illness(es) sound so much fun! Hang in there and I'll look up prune martini recipes x
Blimey, you don't do things by halves do you!?
Since we're sharing, i have two words; medjool dates. So much yummier than prunes and go perfectly with a cup of coffee (you could even feel quite sophisticated). During the weeks after childbirth, us ladies become mildly anxious about… rear action, for like A LONG TIME and snacking on delish medjools is my top fibre tip.
Get well soon chum.
Oh, my darling! I DO hope you feel better very soon! No fun being in hospital, but at least the problem has been isolated … now, you can work on it logically and quit the writhing about.
Aw Dom. So sorry to hear. I work in a hospital so I can definitely confirm that your condition (diverticulitis) is VERY common. Horrible, but unfortunately experienced by many. Did they put you on a fast, liquids etc? Happy that you're at least back to the jelly baby and prune stage. I know it's awful but just remember that it's just a matter of time before your life return to a new kind of normal. Take care, rest up my friend! Sending you a blogging hug! x
Funnily enough I started out married life living in Leystonstone. Ugggh nothing going for it I am afraid (apart from a couple of good pubs – although I am talking about back in the 70's! They have probably disappeared by now too) Another conincidence is that my sister-in-law is a Matron and is in charge of A&E at Whips Cross – watch out for her!
They say having stones is like having a baby – so the alien scenario is quite close to the mark! Obviously not drinking enough water – so can expect some prune recipes then?
She's probably the one with the Essex accent! Be careful!
My boyfriend was rushed to A&E last Saturday with a kidney stone as well! Hope you're OK as I know how painful it is supposed to be (right up there with child birth apparently!). It will be interesting to see what recipes you post if you are trying to eat more fibre and so on – my boyfriend has a very poor diet and I'm always trying to get him to eat better and to find ways of getting him to eat more fibre without him knowing! It doesn't help that he's the fussiest person I've ever met… Hope you're feeling better and on the mend now.
Hope you get better soon!!!
Oh Dom, so sorry to hear your news. The food they serve in the hospitals is awful. I hope you are feeling better soon and relaxing in your lovely home.
Yikes, that doesn't sound like fun at all. Here's hoping you feel much better soon!!! Take care of you!!
Get well soon Dom, I am an old hand at Diverticulitis, as my dad and sister both suffer from it rather badly from time to time…..a special diet can help from future attacks and you are in the best place right now, so, just eat those jelly babies before I do, as I adore them and get well soon! Karen xxxx (((HUGS)))
Alas, the ravages our bodies inflict upon us. At least your sense of humor is intact.
Bring on the bran! Looking forward to it. Hope you are home, feeling better and… um… not too traumatised. These doctors, you know, they mean well. ;-D
This is bad news and lousy luck. It's a lot of trouble to go to for a sprinkling of hot docs. Actually, I really like prunes and I must eat more of them. Prune-flavoured jelly doctors might just be the next big thing. Get well soon or even sooner.
Sorry to hear you have been suffering so. Get well soon. Missed seeing you both last night. Eat those jelly babies and take your meds. Much love. x
Aww dude, hope things calm down and you get to head back home soon! Take it easy…
Oh jeez, poor you Dom. When people were saying get better, I thought you had the flu or something. Stress is a real bad thing and you've had so much on your plate (no pun intended). Take care xx
I love this recipe ! Reminds me of you making soap at home, Mom.
And it's fun to see photos of your house there and see
Dad in that comfy chair we sat in when we visited,
attempting to use the slow internet 🙂
I can't wait to hear how the soap turned out in terms
of using it. Does it smell different since it is made with
animal fat? Any other differences from vegetable-based soap?
Love you!
I like the way the jelly babies are standing around the bran looking solemn – like their a bunch of doctors having a huddle to discuss their diagnosis. The Nordic prunes look on…..
Crikey, that sounds awful.
So sorry to hear you are poorly. If more roughage is required I can recommend rhubarb and date crumble.
Poor you! I do hope you are feeling much better now.
So sorry to hear about your ordeal in hospital. I hope you are well on your way to recovery now – I'm sure the jelly babies help!
Oh my goodness, I hope you are feeling better now!
Hope you are out of hospital and continuing to recover. Lots of sympathy coming your way.