…i’m living for the weekends at the moment… life is quite full-on and the joy of lazing in bed without that dreadful feeling of guilt is such a wonderfully simple pleasure… and once the weekend comes its as though everything is done in slow-mo, including the cooking… which is just fine by me… I love shuffling around the house, slowly doing my chores, making coffee, watching TV, catching up on blogs I haven’t had time to read and maybe, if I get enough time, i’ll steal my self away to a comfy chair with a good end-of-the-world apocalypse book to get lost in, dreaming of a time when deadlines won’t exist…
… and when i’m not battling plague-infected zombies in my overactive middle-aged mind i’m thinking about what I can eat next… and I love rooting through the food cupboards thinking about what I can make with those odds and sods clinging to the dark corners like an oddly neglected single dryer sock, somehow reluctant to be included in whatever i’m planning for my next meal and this includes that packet of dried mixed lentils that’s been sitting in there for the last six months… you know that packet… the type that needs 24 hours soaking but whenever you remember to use them it’s always too late… well that’s exactly what the weekends are for my friends…
Such a lovely way to spend the weekend and, even better, to have a large plate of this as a delicious Sunday lunch. Perfect.
Can't say I share your enthusiasm for all things Zombie, but I do like the look of your chicken, and I love the sound of your lazy weekend – just make the book a Patrick Gale and the movie a good old fashioned Ealing Comedy and I'm there – just another 12 years to go before I get rid of the children…
I saw the picture in my Google reader and thought “Ah Dom's been cooking chicken thighs again!” You should write a book on all the different ways to serve chicken thighs! I plan to have a slow weekend but somehow it seems such a waste, you'll find me in the kitchen!
sounds like my kinda weekend and my kinda curry … hope this one is just as slow and relaxing!
Have you tried pickled Zombie? It takes about 8 hours to get then pickled, but it's worth the wait!
Those lone dryer sock foods always taunt me from way back in my cupboards! This looks wonderful, and I bet it just got better and better as it 'aged' over the weekend!
How I long for a weekend of shuffling around and slow cooking. I always seem to be rushing around with family, chores, kids, even socialising is a chore sometimes – how terrible is that. Time to stop I think and this type of cooking is my favourite – except its too too hot at the moment …..wonder if I can adapt it for the BBQ?
hai, dom, I feel you. my life's been so hectic that I think of dates in terms of deadlines, not dates. It's good you have the weekends (and SHIT AMAZING SLEEPY CHICKEN LENTIL CURRY) to look forward to; it just doesn't stop for me, but I'm hoping things lighten up in a few weeks time. anyway, thanks for sharing as usual (I don't know how you find the time you crazy multi-tasking being) and take care x
Lentils are so filling and so inexpensive. This is a wonderful weekend meal for sure. The aroma must be wonderful and to think you get to enjoy the smell of it cooking for hours is a plus. I usually make lentil soup at least once a month. Another great chicken dish!
Fabulous post that made me smile and I am just the same at weekends too! Lovely thighs,as always too Dom…..and my kind of recipe! Karen