…this lull between christmas and new years eve is odd isn’t it?… on one hand I love it because as a kid time seems to stand still just a little as the sparkle of christmas still has its hold over the world and you know that another eve of celebration is just around the corner… yet on the other hand, as we mature, this week seems like a head-long rush into another year of uncertainty and doubt… don’t get me wrong, whilst 2012 was a good year for belleau kitchen it wasn’t a great year for much else… working for oneself can be a hazardous assault course of lean and fat… one moment you’re swimming in the riches of plenty and the next minute you’re gasping for breath in the dried out husk of your last job… and it’s never predictable either… if only I had the time to fail to plan…
… ignoring the swings and round-abouts for a moment we decided to throw a last-minute soiree as many of our local friends won’t be around for new years eve this year… it really is last minute, as in tonight… and The Viking and I have a very crazy weekend ahead, of which I can’t tell you just yet… so we’re both running around like the proverbial blue-arsed fly to make chez belleau pretty for a few guests… and i’m using up a lot of stuff in the fridge that probably should have been eaten at the very latest yesterday… oh well, if you don’t hear from me for a while, you’ll know why…
pea and bacon mini quiches and a pea and goats cheese veggie option
as you can imagine I get given quite a few cook books for presents and this christmas was no exception, with quite a haul in fact and from the sublime to the ridiculous too… from Nigel Slater’s seminal The Kitchen Diaries II to Zilly Rosen’s Zombie Cupcakes… a firm favourite is Darinaa Allen’s Forgotten Skills of Cooking which has inspires these simple little gems… i’m also using some divine Yarburgh White goats cheese that has been given to me by my friend Paul who’s friend Andrea has made using her own goats… it is a little sharp and a little salty and makes an excellent alternative to the bacon… it can be bought on line and sent anywhere in the UK from the excellent Cheese Shop is Louth and I thoroughly recommend it…
a basic shortcrust pastry
8oz plain flour
4oz butter
1 beaten egg and a little water
1 packet of streaky bacon – cut into small pieces
a handfull of frozen peas
a handful of crumbly Yarburgh White goats cheese
4 eggs
300ml single cream
200ml double cream
make the shortcrust by crumbling the butter into the flour then adding the egg and water until a dough is formed… the drier the pastry the better – harder to work with but it creates a far superior pastry… wrap in cling film and chill for at least 30 mins, use plenty of flour to roll out and a scone cutter slightly larger than the tray holes
fry off the bacon until nice a crispy and set aside whilst you whisk the eggs and creams together
fill each pastry case with a little bacon (or the goats cheese if using instead), pour in the liquid until very full and sprinkle the frozen peas on top
bake for 15-20 mins until golden and risen, remember they will set further once they’re out of the oven.
eat and of course, enjoy!
Have fun at your party Dom. I'm making leftover quiche too, tis the season 😉
Aah Dom, these look absolutely delicious. I adore quiche, and mini quiches are the best as they're just so cute!
These are adorable, quiches are just the thing to help wind down from Christmas. And I know what you mean about the slightly melancholy feel of the days leading up to New Years… but I can't wait to see what you guys are up to in 2013!
Pretty little quiches and they sound very tasty. Have a great time tonight! 🙂 x
Oh yum, I do love a good quiche, all soft and silky custard with interesting 'bits' to enjoy. Good luck with your soiree and all the best for belleau kitchen in 2013.
I think I would prefer those mini-quiches to mince pies. The latter are too sweet for me most of the time.
these look great. happy new year!
I like this. I make this. I eat this.
I just would like to give a huge thumbs up for the great info you have here on this post. I will be coming back to your blog for more soon.
Man and Van Twickenham
These little mouthfuls are fantastic. You came up with so many brilliant ideas Dom. Enjoy your weekend! 🙂
These mini quiches look delicious. Hope 2013 is a good year for you.
Unless there's a mini quiche involved, I don't think it's a proper party!
Best wishes for 2013 Dom, I look forward to seeing more of your delicious recipes, gorgeous photos and thought-provoking writing in the new year!
Agreed with the working for oneself – I freelance part time for a bit of spare pocket money and bf runs his own business. It's risky business but if you are good with your money you can ride it out – I sadly am not which is why I could never do it!
I'm sure your party will be a blast! I only wish I could attend, I'd bring my world famous deviled eggs! LOL! Your mini quiches look divine & I'm sure they'll be eaten up in a snap! Happy New Year my friend! XO
Perfect party food – I would hoover these up if I was stood near them!! Happy New Year Xx
Perfect party food Dom, Have a GREAT weekend! Karen and Happy New Year too! xxx
Such pretty little bites … sounds like a nice relaxing little soiree … I'd love to be there to raise a glass and toast you into the New Year! Alas … will think of you as we pour the bubbly and toast a new year! Best of luck in the world domination game! XO! Happy New Year!
As for leftovers, our MO is to make breakfast burritos and huervos rancheros … leftover bits of cheese, black beans, veg, sour cream, some picante … gone and more room for the New Years debauchery to come.
I love a good party. I wish we were neighbors, I would be banging at the back door to come in. You got to love bite size munchies. So easy to pop in your mouth. Your mini quiches look perfect and the tops are browned so nicely. Happy New Year to you and the Viking.
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These have been a real hit with the family….I have orders for a party next week…I have varied the fillings….adding some grated cheddar, chopped onion and as well as the peas, I chopped up some broccoli heads very finely and sprinkled on top…I also put some grated Parmesan in the pastry…