…a very good place to start… especially if you’re a random recipes virgin and there were many of you last month who i’m sure thought that this was an easy ride… well as many of my past victims challenge entries will tell you – random recipes takes no prisoners!
… as last months mega round-up demonstrates, the very reason I started this challenge was to encourage you to use those recipe books… see them in a new light… find out why they’re so damn popular… ensure they don’t become a dusty, neglected relic… and the way we do that is by playing random recipes…
the rules
1 – number your books/place them in a pile/throw them in the air
2 – randomly select a cook book
3 – open the cook book to a random page
4 – cook the exact recipe on that page… do NOT cheat… you are only cheating yourself
5 – you may adapt the recipe for health/dietary/product availability purposes only
6 – post the recipe on your blog linking back to me and my blog
7 – include the random recipes badge in the post
8 – email the post to me at dom (at) belleaukitchen (dot) co (dot) uk
9 – challenge deadline is August 29th
… I did a random shuffle on the floor and selected quite an odd but lovely little book called The Apple Source Book by Sue Clifford and Angela King… i’ve had the book since I worked at the National Trust property and came home with a bucket-load of apples everyday throughout the autumn… it has some really special recipes in it and covers the hundreds of varieties of apple… and on page 74 where the book fell open was a recipe for the rather wonderful sounding Cheese and Apple Tartlets… the recipe is actually developed by a couple who own a farm in Lincolnshire!… its as though this book was calling to me…
… I shall make the recipe later in the month with a local cheese… now off you pop and go select your random recipe… if you do it now you can plan it into your month… x
OOh lets!
your random recipe sounds divine. my dad was English and he swore the only way to eat apple pie was with a large piece of strongly flavoured vintage cheddar. I'm looking forward to seeing your recipe 🙂
I'd like to take part but need to choose from a sub-selection of the whole collection – the pile awaiting review. Is that OK? I'd still pick randomly within that pile and for the recipe itself…?
great way to get your review books done! love it!
Emm don't know about throwing my books on the ground and messing them all up – you know how tidy I like to be – and you have seen my shelves!!! Have to give this one some thought.
Love this idea! Gonna have a go at this over the weekend! 😀
I am SO up for throwing all my books in the air…..will you then visit me in hospital with a RR snack? LOVELY challenge, back to basics……I am IN! Karen
BTW! I have that same book from Common Ground!
I WILL NOT throw my books anywhere, they love sitting on the shelf!! ….. but I will join in again this month.
I will do my usual and run my fingers along a shelf and pick out whatever it stops at (with my eyes closed for added fun) and carry on from there.
Last months challenge was brilliant I am still working my way through all the Blogs that entered, so many lovely cookery book addicts out there….phew thank goodness I am not alone.
My sorting of books is not going very quickly, hampered slightly I fear by the Amazon order that I somehow submitted quite by accident yesterday……
Sue xx
… clearly some people are taking the 'throw your books in the air' seriously… I take no responsibility for damage to books or persons… x
Love it … back to our roots here at RR! Perfect way to bring the RRV's into the loop!
Will try my best to participate this month Dom. Might have to use my mom's cookbook collection 🙂
I'm just a reader, not a blogger, but I thought I'd give this a try. It doesn't matter if a person has a whole bookcase devoted to cookbooks, sometimes cooking can become a disliked chore. Your idea has actually brought back a spark of life to my dormant love of cooking meals.
Since I wanted play the game fairly, I walked backwards to my bookcase, shut my eyes, twirled around 3 times, and stretched my hand out-. Big disappointment! Out of all the more interesting cookbooks, I had pulled out a Rodale Press cookbook called “Your Family Will Love It!”
Then even more disappointing, the random page recipe – Haddock Stew with Dill. Does this sound appealing to anyone???
So this is where randomness has led! Ha! Well, at least, I have found my sense of humor again from your challenge, so, I will make this random Haddock Stew. Would you like a report on its appeal when I've cooked it?
Thank you from a woman in Pennsylvania
awwww…. how lovely to hear from you and i'm both happy you wanna play along and sad that your enthusiasm turned sour!… that's the rub with this challenge but you can play along every month, so don't give up heart… believe me, we have had some really dreadful recipes over the past couple of years… please do let us know how it goes with a comment here and if you want to email a photo to me I will include it in my round-up at the end of the month xx
I love doing this, I seem to do this regularly, finding new recipes not throwing my recipes book in the air! I have a veg box each week which occassionally delivers veg that I have never cooked before. I may join you for this one.
This is the first month I'll be participating.
I pulled off my shelf a book my brother got me for Christmas one year, Classic Asian Cakes and Desserts. Looks like I'm making Light Butter Cookies! No complaints here!
I have just got a boxful of my mum's books. Be prepared for some fun and games when I open it (and some tears) xx
Just have to remember to blog about it in time! Hope I get something good and not more sardines!
I am definitely taking part this month, now I actually have access to all my cookbooks again!
Oh fun! So eyes closed, I twirled three times, drug my finger across a shelf of cookbooks, picked one, opened the book and ended up with a recipe that requires the use of TWO other recipes in the book. Think I'm going to be busy next Saturday… and my BFF who's been asking for cooking lessons. LOL.
Love this idea, although am too late this month – will you do another one next month? I'll keep an eye out…