… oh come on… I could hardly get you to do the first and last without then going for the middle… and let’s face it, like a good sandwich, the best bits are always in the middle…
… I used my random number generator… otherwise known as The Viking… to randomly select a number and he chose number 49 which happens to be a book i’ve had for years but never ever cooked from… Memorable Meals by the Cordon Bleu Company… its part of a series of books of which I only have this one and I don’t remember purchasing it so it could very well belong to an old flatmate… it’s thoroughly outdated but in the most fabulously retro way, being published in 1977 and filled to the brim with recipes that ‘help you perfect the art of producing truly memorable meals’…
… it has 160 pages in total, including introduction and index and therefor easy to pick a middle page and there, in all its 1970’s glory on page 80 is Delices of Sole Parmesan which essentially is fish goujons with fried bananas… i’ll let that one hang in the air for a while shall I…?
I love it too Dom, it is always surprising how few recipes I have cooked from some of the books I have. Very precise instructions this month, I'm sure her maj would approve 😉
I must admit to being a fan of cooked banana but mainly with chocolate or syrup. Have never tried with fish. Looking forward to hearing how this one turns out. Does the Viking eat fish?
Away to choose a random book – this is the most exciting bit – not having a clue what you could get – ooh the anticipation.
Fish and banana – banana and fish – hmmm… I'm looking forward to that one – I think.
Fish and bananas ……emm good luck with that one! Then again……..
Couldn't wait had to go to the bookshelf straight away! No. 49 Jamie at Home – 407 pages……oooooh the anticipation……….203 a picture of a spiders web on wheat emmmm 204 Creamy Rice Pudding with the quickest strawberry jam! Yeah yeah baby! I love rice pudding the man hates it! I'll have to say I had to cos Dom told me!
I love baking with bananas but fish and banana?! I hope I get something better 🙂 great challenge this month – now I feel complete with the beginning, middle and end 🙂
I love the idea of fish goujons with fried bananas. Reminds me of trips to Madeira (where it is not uncommon to serve white fish with bananas).
That sounds delicious. Bananas are also served with some Filipino dishes. Like beef, pork, and chicken adobo. It's optional of course and its delicious. Gives you that savoury sweet taste.
SNEAKY Dom! Hehehehehe! GREAT fun too….as ever, I am SO in for this! Karen
Love it! I might go for number 49 too, because it sounds random enough for me (though I am reserving the right to change my mind if it involves banana fish anything!) love your work x
Ha ha, should have seen that one coming indeed. Will get CT on the case straight away, he's a somewhat random individual. Cordon Bleu sounds scary.
I think we all enjoy this challenge even if we don't manage to join in…brings us all great culinary joy…
What a great idea! It will actually spur me on to try something completely new every month!
This seems to be a wonderful challenge! That would make me try things I wouldn't go for maybe in the first place.
(I checked already, what I would have to cook for this month and it ended up with “Grilled Mackerel with Pomelo Salad” – I don't go for fish so often.)
oh I think you should go for it Chris!… Love grilled Mackerel and it's so cheap too! (bonus!!)