… the following post is brought to you by the British Weather and should be read in your plummiest Pathe News voice…
… back from Spain and it’s really hard not to be down about this ridiculous weather… i’ve tried writing to the BBC but their lack of response forces me to feel they’re not taking this seriously at all… The UK has two major events looming both of which could do with a wee bit of sunshine and warmth and don’t go telling me Her Madge doesn’t care if it rains for her big day… there’s only so much stiff upper lip us British can take before we need to crack open the vaseline… and let’s face it, you can bake as many scones and make as many cucumber sandwiches as you like but a soggy Victoria Sponge is not particularly cricket is it…?
… so scrap that… I suggest we start celebrating Autumn and all the glories that log-fuelled season has to offer… open fires, warming stews and gravy with pastry… no one does pastry better than the cold seasons and we must see these periods of bitterness as an extended blessing of pastry and gravy…
veggie mince and onion pie
it’s National Vegetarian Week this week in the UK (although as The Viking says, it’s NVW for him every week) so i’m using quorn mince as a healthy alternative to meat… but you can easily replace this with beef or turkey mince if you must… but hey, get over it and use the veggie stuff its bloody good… and again, it’s wrapped in pastry so what’s not to like?
i’m using an 8inch ceramic pie dish
for the filling:
1 300g packet of quorn mince
2 medium onions – chopped
a half glass of red wine
half a pint of good quality Marigold vegetable boullon with a teaspoon of Marigold gravy powder
half a teaspoon of tomato puree
2 bay leaves
a handfull of fresh thyme
for the pastry
8oz plain flour
4oz butter or margarine
half a teaspoon mustard powder
water to mix
– start with the pastry by mixing the flour, salt and mustard powder and then mix in the butter using your hands to turn it into breadcrumbs… add a teeny bit of cold water to bind it into a dough, wrap it in cling-film and pop it in the fridge for 30 mins whilst you make the filling
– saute the onions gently in some melted butter and olive oil until soft and starting to turn golden (roughly 10 gently minutes) – throw the thyme in half way through
– add the mince and stir it around until it soaks up all the lovely oniony juices
– turn the heat up and throw in the red wine and let it bubble and reduce by half
– turn the heat down and add the stock and tomato puree and bay leaves and let the whole thing simmer gently for 30 mins
– take half the pastry and roll out a round big enough to line your pie dish
– pour the mince and onion stew into the pie
– roll out the top layer and place the pastry on top, seal with an egg/milk wash and then brush the top with the same wash
– bake for 20 mins or until golden
… for more veggie recipes check out one of my favourite vegetarian blogs Tinned Tomatoes…
… eat and of course, enjoy!
This looks really delicious, Dom :))
It is bitterly cold today, which makes the sight of that pie particularly welcome. Delicious.
As I'm in the thick of autumn with winter virtually knocking on my door…this pie will be just tickertyboo…! Thanks Dom ;D
Same here. We are thoroughly cheesed off with the weather and trying not to get too depressed about the fact that in one month the nights start drawing in !!
Your pie looks delicious. We are still in comfort food mode – the customary shift to prawn salads and the consequent positive (or is it negative) effect on the waistline has yet to happen.
Lovely dish Dom but would you believe it, I was out in garden here in South Wales and have just had to come inside to put sun cream on as I’m going pink in the sun!!
S'alright – it's going to hot up tomorrow. In fact, it'll probably turn nice the second I board the plane for my own holiday, where it's forecast to…turn rainy. Fail!
This looks delicious as always. We made your Quorn hotpot the other week and it was great.
They may have better sun than us in Spain, but do they make pies as nice as that, I ask?
I keep trying to send my summer to you, but for some reason it just stays here.. doesn't want to go anywhere!!
The pie looks lovely, Dom…
Would you be so kind as to 'splain to me what quorn is at http://theobsessivechef.blogspot.com?
Looks simply fabulous. My mother and I were just lamenting the sad lack of good meat pies in the US. Perhaps we will try your veggie version:)
As you well know I am a BIG pie lover and I think this should have been sent to me Dom! LOVELY crust and pastry leaves, and I also really like Quorn too! Karen xxx
I love pies and this looks delicious! Perfect for the autumnal weather. At least you had your sun!
Lovely recipe and just right to eat by the fire which is still being lit on a regular basis. My daughter asked me at the weekend if it was nearly Christmas, I had to stop and think…
Nothing like a good pie- and a glass of wine (though a sprinkling of summer won't go astray)
Huuuuhhh!(do this as a sharp intake of breath whilst smiling ridiculously!)!!! THAT is an obscenely beautiful pie! Tart! Stew Undercover! Whatever!
Now, if it had kidney in it, it would be orgasmic. Enough said!
I am up for a bit of pastry lately and love the mustard idea.
Pastry, gravy and a pretty top – what's not to like! Lucky Viking.
Awwwww thanks Dom x
Fabulously executed pie and decoration Dom. I am glad you are flying the flag for veggie week. Now all you have to do is add your pie to my linky 🙂
I have a veggie other half too so it's good to see your recipe ideas – I love quorn mince – such a lifesaver!
Love the post! Was thinking about making a Quorn Mince/Puff Pastry combination recipe, so this has given me some ideas, thank you 🙂 xx