… ok, i’m re-writing this because I feel that my first post didn’t really emote why i’d love to be nominated for this excellent award…
hello dear friends…
… it’s that time of year once more when the wonderful people at The OFM Magazine ask us to vote for our favourite British foodie stuff… it’s only the second year they’ve had a category for British Food Blog and it would be a wonderful thing to be nominated…
… there are two reasons why these particular awards are so important to me…. firstly, as many of you know, my ‘other life’ is as an event producer and from 2006 to 2010 The Persuaders produced The Observer Food Monthly Awards events in London… they were very exciting events, as award ceremonies often are (click on the link to see what we did) and you can imagine the guests… all the best chefs, producers and restaurateurs from across the UK… nerve wracking for our caterers… and you see, the thing is, I ALWAYS promised myself I would have something more to do in my life to do with food… at the time I had no idea what that would be but now, looking back, to actually be nominated for this and at the awards ceremony I used to produce….
… secondly, I love the fact that the awards celebrate the whole of Britain and British Food and by the previous years results they are not London biased, which many awards seem to be… these awards celebrate the fact that London is clearly not the centre of the food universe!..
… I do, however, need your votes… a little time consuming as you have to register but well worth the chance of winning a Caribbean Holiday!
you don’t have to but you can also nominate your favourite British producers, chefs and restaurants and the awards are well respected within the food industry so it would be extra special to be part of such an illustrious crowd…
… to vote please click here
sadly for me (and those of you wishing to vote) the voting can only be done from the UK…
I thank you x
Well of course Dom. How could I not vote for your fabulous blog. Just off to do so.
Hi Dom!I just clicked the link to vote,but it appears that only British residents can?That make sense though,of course!
Done – wishing you the very best with this competition.
It seems I can't vote. You need to live in England. Good Luck Dom!!
Done, you old reprobate, done. Lovely website also let me submit my favourite recipe for Juniper & Quinine Consommé.
Dom, you have my vote…
If only I lived in the UK so I could vote for you!
Voted for you… you deserve it!
Done – fingers crossed…
Voted, Dom. Good luck. You deserve to win it. xx
I have voted, on-line life without your blog would be much less fun.
I WILL vote of course, you silly sausage! Karen xxx
I have voted for you. Best of British! Now, about the scones at the Village Show…xx
I wish I could vote for you! If I can still vote in 3 weeks I'll do so when I'm back home in Scotland!!
You've definitely got my vote! Good luck! 🙂
Well these awards sound rather exciting – I'd vote for you if I was in the UK!
I'm sold. Love hearing about bloggers lives before blogging! Voting now….x
Omg I missed this post. I'm voting for sure. Your story has been a huge inspiration for me. It's great how it's all worked out perfectly even though you had no idea what to do then. I also promise and tell myself that I want to do something with food in my life after I leave uni, I don't know what exactly, but fingers x it'll work out just as well as it did for you.
Just done it…good luck Dom.