the sky has grumbled… does this mean it’s hungry?
the weather here has gone from crazy to bonkers as the temperature rises and it’s now really muggy outside… but you can smell the thunderstorm… it’s as though everything and everyone is waiting with it’s collective breath held, until the sky opens and down comes the rain… it’s raining in London as I write this, so no doubt it will start raining here in an hour or so… and about time, we really need the rain… i’m not kidding when I say it’s been over 30 days since there’s been any rain, the driest April since records began… that’s some April folks!
… in the meantime my salad has been growing beautifully… check out these radish… aren’t they stunners?… plus the lettuce and carrots are well on their way… the beetroot may have a while to go yet but whilst i’m waiting I made this fabulously pink beetroot, cabbage and fennel slaw, which has the perfect amount of crunch for this funny, muggy Spring day.
Beetroot, Cabbage and Fennel slaw
2 large beetroots
1 small white cabbage
1 fennel
a bunch of spring onions
2 tablespoons flaked almonds – lightly toasted
a handful of saltanas or raisins
4 tablespoons of mayonnaise (hand-made if you’re all over that way inclined)
1 tablespoon salad cream (option but let’s be honest…)
– place the almonds in a hot dry frying pan and toast until they turn golden (usually takes 3-5 minutes but watch them!)
– shred the beetroot, cabbage and fennel – I used my magimix large grater for the beetroot and large shredder for the cabbage and fennel but I finely sliced the spring onions by hand.
– place in a large bowl, sprinkle in the flaked almonds and saltanas and dollop on the mayo and the salad cream… this adds a nice vinegar touch but you could simply add a splash of white wine vinegar and olive oil.
– mix it all up and serve
eat and of course, enjoy!
We had all the rain here yesterday, lightning storm too. These are funny days you're right. Between Spring and Summer. Your slaw looks lovely, beautiful colour.
That sounds incredibly summery! We planted loads of seeds in the allotment on Friday, so of course it rained torrentially on Saturday for the first time in a month and they have probably all been washed up 🙁 Sod's law. Hope my beetroot is as nice as yours when it's ready to dig up!
It was drizzling for a bit here in the north east, but it's bright and sunny again now. That is such beautiful colour from the beetroots.
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday Dom.
Those radishes look delicious! I'm going to be planting beets this week! I can only hope they do well!
While your Spring has been dry, ours has been very wet indeed! Our Spring flowers have finally blossomed, I think Spring just got the memo!
It's Mother's Day in the U.S. and I'm off to see mom with a 2 pound lobster from Maine, I picked it out myself! LOL!!!
Have a great week!
Beautiful photos. I've been enjoying watching the heavy rain and thunderstorms from inside! Although it would have been much better if I had this slaw to keep me company!
I love beetroot, such an amazing colour (until you get it on your white clothes!) . It's been quite humid alot lately, but it's a nice change from the cold weather we had a few months ago!
Another one for the beetroot cookbook 😉
Rain? We had two apologetic drizzle moments. The last proper rain here in SW Suffolk was on 25 Feb, that's 75 days ago!!!
Hi Dom, thanks for stopping by! Yes, that lobster was delicious and I think they may deliver! Here's the link if nothing else you'll have fun exploring the website, especially the recipes! Have a great week!
Oh! I hope your rain situation rights itself around! Last summer was extremely dry here. I am finding thatsome of my perennials didn't make it through the winter – a combination of the dryness and the extreme cold with no snowpack for insulation until it was too late for the poor root clumps… boo hoo.
Your salads are inspiring me to get out in the garden and set seeds and into the green house to set flats for some later plantings!
Happy Spring!
I love beetroot – and your salad looks fantastic! I'll have to try this one.
Drop me an email at ruthforeman (at) gmail (dot) com if you still want to do a bread recipe swap!
Scrummy sounding salad, though I think I might decline on the salad cream. Have never understood the love of this stuff. Also admiring your fine bunch of radishes. Don't think I've ever had success with radish either the slugs get them or they don't grow at all, like this year = grrr.
so HAPPY to see you at farmhouse kitchen and HAPPY to be out of my blog slump…
the radishes are stunning, my friend….just beautiful
the recipe looks wonderful…
teddy is in the garden and says to tell Dom HI !!!!
i have missed you
looking forward to some good SUMMER cooking with you
kary and teddy
Love the colour of the salad – just begs to be eaten!
lovely seasonal salad 😉
Oh My God! I loved your welcoming text! I am a city girl though I am trying to grow my own stuff in a small veggie garden, though so far I only have loads of herbs and a very random pumpkin plant that decided to grow after I randomly threw the seeds out last October…
Anyway, love your blog! Keep up the awesome work and many SALUDOS from your new follower n.n
Hi Andie and welcome! My garden is not huge and I grow all my veg in pots on the patio so it can be done on a window sill for sure!! Glad to have you on board. Please check out the Random Recipes challenge for May and play along if you can. Xx
you are WELCOME at Farmhouse Kitchen anytime 🙂
something tells me would have a really GOOD TIME !!!!
Teddy says Hi too
kary and teddy
The salad looks lovely. I do hope you got your rain. I wish I could send you some of ours. Around here, we just keep flooding.
Those radishes are so beautiful! Luckily all those vegetables are flooding the market here still (along with the rain, and gale-force winds) so this looks a dead cert for dinner tonight, thanks!