this year, the powers-that-be have outdone themselves lobotomising the nation by making some royal bloke marry some upper-middle class commoner (there’s an oxymoron if ever there was one…) and thought that if they plan the wedding for the week after Easter and give us all the day off, creating some kind of 12 days of mind-numbing madness, we just might forget that we’re still in the middle of one of the worst recessions in world history… and we won’t notice the fact that there’s billions being spent on a party that none of us can go to…
… quite literally the words ‘let them eat cake’ have never rang so true…
dont get me wrong, I will be spending the next week with my feet well and truly up, enjoying the chance to re-charge and spend time in the kitchen and I think i’m going to try out a few recipes i’ve never made before, starting with these Hot Cross Buns…
… in the meantime I have been asked to go in and talk about my blog on BBC Radio Lincolnshire, which I am doing tomorrow morning (Thursday) at 10am. You can listen to me live over the internet if you go here or listen again all week if you miss it, on the BBC iPlayer… I will be taking my buns in to feed them!
625g strong white bread flour
1 tsp salt
2tsp ground mixed spice
45g unsalted butter
85g sugar
zest of 1 lemon
11/2 tsp fast action dried yeast
1 large egg
10fl oz tepid milk
4oz dried fruit
For the cross:
2tbsp plain flour
2tbsp water
1 tbsp golden syrup or honey – heated
– mix the flour, salt and mixed spice in a large bowl, rub the butter in, then add the sugar, lemon zest and yeast.
– beat the egg, add it to the tepid milk (microwave) and then add this to the flour mixture, bring it all together to form a soft, pliable dough
– turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead lightly, sprinkling the mixed fruit in to the dough in batches, work for 5 minutes or until smooth and elastic.
– place the dough in a large oiled bowl, cover with a tea towel and put it somewhere warm for one hour to prove
– after an hour, knock back the dough, knead for a minute or two and then back into the bowl and warm place for a further 30 minutes.
– once it’s doubled in size, turn it out onto a floured surface and divide into 12, roll into balls, flatten slightly into a bun shape and place these on a lined baking tray
– get a large plastic bag and place the buns and tray into the bag, tie the end so no air can get in and leave them to rise once more for a further 40 minutes.
– pre-heat the oven to 240c
– now make the topping by combining the water and flour until you have a thick paste
– once the buns are ready, pour the topping into a piping bag and pie crosses onto each bun and then bake for 8-12 minutes until dark golden.
– the moment they are out of the oven, brush them wit the golden syrup which you have heated gently in the microwave.
eat and of course, enjoy!
Those hot cross buns look absolutely perfect. So cross with myself I've never tried them – will definitely remedy that soon!
Unfortunately I'm working tomorrow morning but will definitely listen in on iPlayer when I get home. Good luck, I'm sure you'll be as fab on radio as you are in your blog posts! x
I love them but they never turned out good! 🙁
Good luck tomorrow. I'm looking forward to listening, won't be able to catch it live but will do so on iPlayer….X
well thanks, this was my first attempt so I'm amazed they came out so good this time!
a bit nervous about tomorrow !
Perfect buns for Easter week! The media here in the States is chock full of 'Royal Wedding Fever' tidbits, too … a girl and her Prince will always catch the public's imagination. So it goes …
Your news of being on the radio is much more interesting to me! How exciting! Will try to see about Internet listening! Good luck!
I probably won't get a chance to listen, but good luck to you!! Your buns look wonderful…..uhmmm, your hot cross buns that is 🙂
There are three girls at my office that are going into work at 4am so they can watch the royal wedding on the big screen tv…lol
Dom, all I can say is you've got some good looking buns there! Good luck on the BBC, world domination is within your grasp, please remember the “little people.”
Wedding coverage starts Easter Sunday in the States. I have friends planning teas and buying tiaras to watch the wedding. LOL, which begins at 4:00 a.m. my time!
I did hear/read somewhere that they were paying for this soiree themselves . . . how nice that they can do that!
leave my buns alone… fnar fnar…
@OBCS… the problem is that the state pays for the Royal Family to exist, so in theory we're paying for them to pay for themselves… oh well…
You're serious about this world domination thing, then? I'm loving being able to observe the logarithmic rise!
Cambridge Uni don't let us have days off for bank holidays or royal weddings 🙁 In fact, one of my friend's exams starts on the 29th… but I agree – still madness!
But anyway, love those hot cross buns! And good luck with the radio tomorrow! 🙂
Love hot cross buns… will be making my own for the first time too Dom!!
I am laughing out loud at your Royal wedding comments, coz I feel the same way. Unfortunately it seems to be the main topic of news in Canada… aarrrrghhh!!! Arsed if I am going to get up at 3 AM to watch though, I can barely function before 11! So not happening that.
Enjoy the BBC show, and can you post up some kind of audio link so we here can listen? Sadly iPlayer doesn't work for us.
The buns look beautiful Dom. I'm gonna attempt to bake some for the first time soon. I'm gonna listen to the iplayer tomorrow. Good luck!
Dom, I had to look up fnar . . . too funny! That's something about the state paying for the monarchy . . . didn't know that!
@OBCS… oh yeah… we Brits love paying for the luxury of others!… I probably sound like a right old scrooge but I do in fact love a good old party!
First, thank you so much for your kind comment on my blog. Second, those are lovely buns. I should like five. Third, I am in awe of you. The BBC! Fab! I can't wait to hear it.
Gosh how exciting was that – just listened to my now famous son on the radio. Well done Dom
LoL Mummy
I've never made hot cross buns before, they're on my 'to bake' list. These look great. It's amazing you're on Radio Lincs, good for you!
this looks delicious and soft
Good Lord … I've not even checked into to the Fresh From The Oven site this month!! Love ya buns (oh-er!)
Hi Dom. Came back to tell you I was listening to you yesterday, sneakily from the office. Well done! How exciting.
PS. Hot Cross Buns are almost going in the oven. Wish me luck.
Just pulled my first ever batch of hot cross buns out of the oven and barely had time to brush on the glaze before hubby devoured one. They were declared a great success (despite the somewhat backhanded compliment that 'they look very home-made'). Thanks for the inspiration Dom.
We don't get the BBC iplayer over here (for some strange reason – we get all the TV stations) so I'm missing out :-{
Those buns look great!
He he! We are naughty, posting early for FFTO. Your buns look lovely, glazed and shiny.
Can't find you on iPlayer! ARgh!
I'm just back now to say thanks for participating in the challenge this month. Your buns are beautiful, as always. 🙂 Congrats on your recent media exposure!
gosh these look absolutely delicious. gone are the days of sainsbury's own – I'd kill for one of these buns straight out from the oven..
In this blog Hot buns are looking delicious and soft.
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I hope this time I can get the recipe correct, I always messed up sometime, or maybe is the time in the oven.
nice kitchens and food . i like it
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