… as long as it’s smothered in gravy The Big V is happy… well I’ve made the gravy but what’s it going to be poured over you ask…?
I have been viewing considerations for about a month now… first it was going to be a veggie lasagne… we joke about this every year but haven’t quite lowered to this point yet… then it was going to be a veggie wellington… then a Quorn Roast… but then Gary Rhodes shouted down to me from the bookshelf and I remembered a layered suet pudding I made years back that it simply divine and really is the King of puddings… it also speaks directly to my suet loving Viking through his very soul… so there you have it… hands down winner!
Layered Mushroom and Caramelised Onion Suet Pudding
4 large onions – finely sliced
8 large field mushrooms
150g vegetarian suet
300g self raising flour
200ml cold water
fresh herbs and seasoning
– slowly caramelise the onions in a deep pan with a couple of teaspoons of sugar, this should take about an hour but turn them very frequently until they are golden
– meanwhile bake the mushrooms with plenty of oil and herbs in the oven until they are tender, they could also be turned once or twice
– make up the suet pastry, roll it out and line a pudding basin, making sure you leave enough pastry for the lid
– begin to layer the pudding, onions then mushrooms until full, you may have to cut some of the mushrooms to fill the layers, then place the pastry lid on top
– cover in foil with a pleat in the top of the foil to allow for air to expand and steam for 2 hours
utter joy!
I will admit to not being a Gary Rhodes fan at all, but the veggie pud looks pretty amazing!
I want, I want, I want! Hope your Big V was appreciative.
Looks pretty awesome. You could probably hibernate for 3 months after eating a whole one and be fresh and ready for Spring.