… not sure what happened here…
… well, that’s not true, I know exactly what happened… everything was going according to plan… Lucretia worked her magic on the sponge… kneading went well and first rise was perfect… then I plaited it and left it for second rise… and left it… and left it… and a whole day later it seems to rise sideways…
… what can i say… tasted AMAZING… light, airy and the most sour it’s been yet… just a little wide.
… I used my regular recipe but this time added one egg and used 2 cups of wholemeal and one cup rye flour…
I have to say this is the best tasting one yet!… i seem to be improving as Lucretia improves… is it me or is it her?
eat and of course, enjoy!
Sounds like a perfect loaf!
Sideways rising is perfectly acceptable in my book! It is quite a challenge to achive the perfect sideways rise lol
Hi Dom, Maybe Lucretia got into some spirits – that why she rose sideways – LOL!!! Well, she looks delicious, I bet she's great toasted, or served along side a bowl of soup! I love the way you are experimenting using different flours – I love to do that.
Thank you for your nice comments on my “Pie Day” post. I think the ratio is 1 pie for 2 people! Thank you for noticing my 100th Follower – so exciting!
Wide or not it looks great and sounds like it's a winner taste wise. x
I'd love a slice lathered in butter!!
Glad Lucretia still alive and strutting her stuff.
Heehee. I made my first edible sourdough yesterday!! I was so excited. I haven't blogged about it yet, I'm still getting the hang of the whole thing. The first loaf I made was a disaster–like a brick and really acidic. I think my starter may not have been quite ready! But yesterday's loaf was half whole wheat and very tasty, with black sesame seeds on top. Thanks for all the inspiration and encouragement.
thanks all xxx glad to be an inspiration to someone at long last!… i'll whisper sweet nothings to Lucretia next week when i feed her!
I'm pretty amazed about your perseverance with Lucretia!
My Beast number 2 grew up ok, I made 5 or 6 breads with it, even took him on a trip to the countryside with me in order to feed him constantly. And then one day all of a sudden he just passed away. Something like foam appeared on top, I think an undesired bacteria developed inside.
Will have to try again.