if it wasn’t for my dear friend and patient neighbour Tracey we’d be wearing black, standing around a hole in the ground and thinking about what the future could have brought us… poor, neglected, Lucretia… damn work commitments!
… so fortunate for me that Tracey has been feeding our dear sour friend… she went into the fridge last Thursday as she had reached stage three which is a nice, bubbly, frothy consistency… and now she simply needs to be fed once a week and I can start to bake with her… just think of the joy to come… and I promise you, dear Lucretia, that I will treat you well and care for you tenderly from now on…
I'm happy for you . . . please keep on treating her well and don't let her starve!LOL
Thank goodness for neighbors. Can't wait for the results.
I guess this means that the first loaf isn't winging its way to Ireland!!!!
Phew! Good thing the starter is still viable! Looking forward to another bread recipe to try! Did you see the sunflower oatmeal that I made yesterday? So good, but alas, not a sour-dough!
what a good neighbour! i would be terrified with the responsibility!! can't wait to see the first loaf! 🙂
No worries. If anyone knows about writing tourettes it's me. Have a great weekend x