So… here it is folks, the lead-up to the biggest, most important date in the culinary world… forget Taste of London in Regents Park or The BBC Good Food Show at Olympia… we’re talking about The Village Show in Aby, Lincolnshire…
… it takes place on Saturday in the village hall, built as a chapel in 1911 and the home of many a function from 80th birthday parties to yoga classes, from the community jumble sale to the weekly bingo night … and the show is currently in its second year.
… Belleau Kitchen regulars will know why it’s such a big deal to me and those who don’t can read about it here… but let’s just say it involves 4 outsized scones and a poisoned dwarf…
… I wanted to go out all guns this year and enter every category but between our launch this week with Jedward for Talk Talk and not planning my 40th i’ve kind of run out of time…
BUT… i’m back in the cottage now and will begin tomorrow with my baking and this is what I plan to do: (and the descriptions are taken directly from the entry card….)
1 x chocolate sandwich cake – 3 eggs, butter cream filling, no topping
4 x decorated individual sponge buns (I assume they mean fairy/cup cakes?)
1 x round of shortbread (am a little confused here… what does a round mean?)
1 x cottage loaf
6 x biscuits
and of course 4 fruit scones…. ( I have the winning recipe from last year, so lord knows what may happen…)
I think i’ll be OK with the choc cake (although any recipes always welcome) and i’m going to use an amazing butter cream icing recipe I found on the Whisk Kid blog… the fairy cakes i’m going to do the Hummingbird bakery recipe and use the same buttercream icing with some pretty little things on top… shortbread and cottage loaf i’ve made before so i should be OK and I have a new biscuit recipe from my grandma Jennie that I could try out.
I’ll up date you all in real time once they’re baked and then again once they’re entered on Saturday but for now, wish me luck!
Hey! Good luck!
PS round of shortbread = plate sized disc of shortbread scored so you can break/cut it into 6 or 8 wedges or 'petticoat tails'.
Good luck, no recipes from me I don't experiment much with cakes. I usually use Nigella's recipes for sponges. Look forward to seeing the results of your mammoth bake off.
thanks guys.. I have googled the shortbread rounds and I totally get that now!
too early to test the scone recipe?
Now I was all set up to tell you about shortbread rounds and I've been beaten to it – ego well deflated! Sounds fun – good luck. I'll be paying especial attention to the chocolate sandwich of course.
Good luck you!!! Are you trialling the Hummingbird cupcakes or have you tried them before? I always have mixed results whan I cook from the book, but that's just me- fingers crossed for you to win this year!
choclette – still not sure what to do with the rounds, so anything you have… do I roll it out and cut around a circular object, or a mould?
Em – now you're worrying me… I will try the HB recipe and see but I have back up which is a very simple Delia recipe.
anyhoo… early to bed to get plenty of sleep… : 0 )
Ooooo! Exciting! Best od luck! Can't wait for pics and recipes!
Fingers crossed!!
Sorry, not much help – I've eaten plenty but never made one. Come to think of it, I'm getting vague memories of watching it being done by pressing the dough into a round dish then pricking all over with a fork.
Good luck! I've got a couple of weeks until our village show, so still practising. I've discovered, to my previous cost, that there is no going off piste with the classes, it's tradition all the way! So my lemon drizzle cake from Red Velvet & Chocolate Heartache is out, as is Jamie's with lavender. No, it's WI all the way and, given we're not a million miles from you, go traditional would be my advice!